niggly pain in left side?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Hiya just wondered if someone could put my mind at ease or tell me its normal etc.
through today iv had a niggly annoying on of pain in my left side, kinda like someones notting my insides but its not 'painful' i guess just a kinda annoying sensation, i guess you could say its a tiiiiny bit painful but hardly.
Sorry, rambling lol
Has anyone else had this?
Can't remember having notty feelings Lily, but was a bit periody and crampy with tiny jabby pains , which I put down to implantation.

Try not to worry, lots going on in there for you at mo
Yeah that sounds like it tiny little jabby pains. sorry im awful at explaining things lol. x
Yeah that sounds like it tiny little jabby pains. sorry im awful at explaining things lol. x

I still can't believe your pregnant again, I had two of mine really close together and it was lovely actually. Bet you can't believe it happened so quickly, hows your partner with it all.
Hehe it is lovely theres quite a close age gap between joe and poppy but this one will be alot closer!
Hes so happy about it, kisses my bump (flab) already and is telling me what names he likes lol
He really wants a boy though.
How are you getting on hun? x
Still loving being a baby mum again thanks - Devon is quite a demanding baby compared to some of mine at the same age, think it's because he has soo much stimulation / attention when the older 3 are home from school that when there not there, he expects to be entertained all day long, (I'm fun , but not as fun as the kids it seams!).

My baby carry is heavily used and we even did the race for life together in it last month!! He is happy as anything in that, just doesnt like me to sit down, he moans till I stand!! Hopefully when he can crawl and be more independant he will calm down a bit.

Still can't believe our babies are 6 mths now!

It would be lovely for you and partner to have a little boy , are you going to find out like last
Aww bless him obviously likes his mummy cuddles! :)
Joe and poppy arnt that demanding tbh i find it quite easy having two, they both sleep all night, poppy sleeps 7pm-10am every night lol But i have a horrible feeling this next one will be a monkey and Im going to be in for a shock! lol
Aww yeah is he nearly crawling? can he sit etc?
I know I would love a boy too, but i always feel bad saying id love a boy, when obviously as long as he/she is healthy i dont mind but if someone said , 'here pick' id pick a boy lol

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