:o( Scariest few days of my life....


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
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Thursday morning i woke up to a "Show" I was 29+3.

Ended up in hospital with steroid injections going into my bum being hooked up to the moniter, internals, bloods, you name it.

I was petrified!!

They said as id had an amnio earlier on a pre term labour wasnt uncommon.

I was finally let out Friday afternoon, been told to take it easy and make sure I have my notes EVERYWHERE i go cause she could come at any time :(

Im sooo not ready for her yet.

I was also told I could still carry full term.

Im back at work but concentrating is so hard.

My bump has dropped and she is really heavy!! Im so frightened!! xxx

I don't have any experience or advice but I didn't want to read and run.

Huge hugs :hug: .

You're a long way into the pregnancy though, try to stay positive :hug: :hug:

Hi sorry ive no advice for you but thought you could do with some of these :hug: :hug: come on little one stay in mummy's tummy until its nearer time to say hello. :hug: :hug:
Awh hun I wondered wher you had gone!!! :hug: I hope you are doing OK today! You shouldnt have gone into work though, you need to go and get a doctors note and have some rest you must be so shaken!

I hope everything is ok with you and your little princess!!! Take care and relax

xxxx :hug:
Is there no way work would let you take maternity leave early, or maybe even go on the sick? That way you could relax and put your feet up for as long as possible?

Hope LO stays put for the time being hun :hug:
awww hun :( lots of hugs for you and bump :hug: :hug: like its been said cant you go on the sick or start your maternity leave early.... you should be at home getting rest not been sat at work!!! :hug: :hug:
oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

as the others have said is there any chance of you going on maternity leave? :hug:

my friend started having mild contractions, and a show on 20the dec, they then stopped, and her little baby boy still hasnt arrived yet, after scaring the living daylights out of everyone
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I definitely think you should be taking some time off too!!
Must have been really scary for you. I had my first baby at 24 weeks and this one has wanted to come since 26 weeks but some how has stayed put. you can definately carry this baby til term, rest as much as possible and go to the hospital as soon as you think anything may be up. On the up side 30 week babies do really well and often come home before their due dates. :hug: :hug:
Yeah, I would see your employer about maybe taking early maternity leave.
Take care hun and have plenty of rest!
Thank you so much for all your replys girls.

I came to work today thinking it'd take my mind off things but its actually made things worse. Im really shaken up and upset over it all and feel really silly.

Im pushing my oh away and he's really frustrating me.

I think maybe I should think about taking time off... maybe going on leave early... I might make an appointment with HR today.

Thanks for all your advice xxx
I was 28 weeks pg with my 3rd when my waters broke. I had to take daily antibiotics and have blood taken twice a week to make sure my CPC count stayed in the normal range. But I managed to last until 37 weeks and then was only induced because I developed pre-eclampsia (again!). So try not to worry too much. I am sure she will want to stay inside you for as long as she can!
:hug: :hug: Definately have some time off it will do you good to have a rest because all the stress and worry will not be helping you at all huni!!

Go home to the OH put you feet up and have some time off honestly I think you deserve to, I cant begin to imagine how shaken I would be!!!

Take care and keep smiling

:hug: :hug: You've had a really rough weekend. try to take it easy & hopefully bubs will stay put for a while longer. xxx

:hug: :hug:
Aww, hope you manage to get some time off and that LO stays put for a while longer. Keep telling her how flippin' freezing it is out here in the real world and that she's so much better off staying put in the warm!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
It's all been said just wanted to add my :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Eek, how frightening that must have been Jay.

:hug: Any word on the work situation, I hope you can get some time off?

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