Nursery plans?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Has anyone decided on a theme yet? I'm thinking I'm going to go with an underwater theme and am contemplating these wall stickers. I figure as we won't really be buying any additional furniture except a cot, I can afford to splash out on decoration :D

Anyone else got any ideas yet? Or maybe made a start already? If so pictures please :D
If its a girl pink everywhere with butteryflys and stars and rainbows and hearts and flowers!

If its a boy then blue cars and trains and planes and more stars!!!!!

:x But thats if we move somewhere they will let us paint....and make it look pretty! If we stay here then the landlord has plans of his knock down the side of the house.Yey :evil:

OOOOO but I love Iggle Piggle so whatever it is its gonna have lots of either Charlie and Lola or In the Night Garden stuff! Seen a gorgeous big blanket yesterday with the Piggle on it :D

I quite like yellow and cream colours if I didn't know what it is.
Those are fab!

We are currently madly decorating the upstairs of our house and have got to move the study to turn it into the nursery as its next to our room but we are going to be going with:

I Love My Bear range from Babiesrus, going to get the cotbed and storage box, the room has a built wardrobe already so we are going to paint it and the walls and put the I Love My Bear boarder up and there curtains.
id be pretty happy with any of these nurseries, cant wait to find out whether tis boy or girl and get planning properly, so far bought a really brightly coloured mobile from ikea, and a voile and green leaves canopy but whether theyll end up being used or not is another thing !! ... f%26sa%3DX
Those ideas are lovely! All of them.

I'll be going with pink pink pink! A mature pink room though, so she can grow with it - like pink walls, with pink voil curtains, pink flower pictures and I've already got her pink bedroom furniture (wardrobe, drawers etc).

We are hoping to move before Aimee arrives. If we do then it will be pink, quite possibly with Hello Kitty theme! :D I am Hello Kitty mad so it would be my dream bedroom! :lol: If we haven't moved Aimee will be sleeping in with us as our spare room has no heating, window lets in weather and leaks. We don't even go in there anymore. It is horrible. Current landlord won't let us decorate anyway so fingers crossed we move so we can have a nursery!! :pray:
Well baby and Harrison will be sharing a room, we havent quite figured out how to decorate yet seem as at the minute the room is fine how it is he has this room ... linen/21/4
Thats the best picture i could find, but he has everything that they have on there.
But he is going through a " i want a doctor who bedroom now" phase, and not sure how to let him down just yet.
Love those pics of the nurserys, especially the Jungle themed one.

We've been testing paints today, we're staying on team green so we're going for a safe colour for either a girl/boy. Just got to choose which shade of green to go for :) We're going to paint one wall, have a feature wall. We've bought the Winnie the Pooh wall stickers from Babies R Us. I don't want anything permanent in terms of wall decorations, paint we can always go over with another colour.

They seem to grow up so quickly I don't want to be stuck with a baby room.

The rest of it will be mix and match, just whatever accessories we see and like. We have a lot of Millie and Boris stuff from our first child but we'd also like to inject more colour this time.

We've just put up the changing station today. I love choosing the nursery stuff, it's really exciting. Even 2nd time around.
xjoann said:
If we do then it will be pink, quite possibly with Hello Kitty theme! :D I am Hello Kitty mad so it would be my dream bedroom!

I loooooooove hello kitty! my whole car was hello kitty devoted hahaha with the purses and bags and keyrings haha its lush :cheer: If you do kitty then you have to post lots of pics!xx
some gr8 ideas on that website!

I'm keeping mine under wraps atm cause I have a few ideas dependant on sex.

Tios has to be the most exciting part of pregnancy eh? Apart from bubba moving!

xx :hug:
scatterpatch said:
id be pretty happy with any of these nurseries, cant wait to find out whether tis boy or girl and get planning properly, so far bought a really brightly coloured mobile from ikea, and a voile and green leaves canopy but whether theyll end up being used or not is another thing !!

Those are beautiful, wow!
The theme will be bunnies!!! Pink bunnies if it's a girl or neutral if it's a boy.
I love the ideas :D Just realised I won't be posting pictures until tri 3 as I won't make a start on it until my maternity leave starts.
well we've now moved jack into the bigger room so if its a boy the nursey is already sorted (just need to get jack outta his cot!) its blue and winne the pooh themed. but if its a girl we'll probably keep the theme but paint it pink :)
Mildly said:
I love the ideas :D Just realised I won't be posting pictures until tri 3 as I won't make a start on it until my maternity leave starts.

Ditto, something to keep maternity leave from getting boring :)
Jollypops said:
Those are fab!

We are currently madly decorating the upstairs of our house and have got to move the study to turn it into the nursery as its next to our room but we are going to be going with:

I Love My Bear range from Babiesrus, going to get the cotbed and storage box, the room has a built wardrobe already so we are going to paint it and the walls and put the I Love My Bear boarder up and there curtains.

ooohh I love that stuff, I think it's what we're going to have too.
Mildly, we have the ocean stickers in my son's nursery now and he loves them! He touches the bubbles and can now point to each one when I say their name. I would definitely recommend them!
nice bright colours, prolly keep the walls plain/neutral esp as we're team green, but happy bright wall stickers and lots of primary colours, probably a bit garish, but its for the baby not for us!!! And babies are only really stimulated by bright colours.

Got a cool 70s original hanging egg chair to go in there, view is lovely from the nursery and DH will get it just the right height for me and the baby to sit in for feeding, then when they get bigger we'll drop it down to the floor (or more likely steal it for ourselves!)

We've picked the cot from mothercare and will get things from ikea/ebay as they seem to be the only places that you can get brights!

We've also got the front end of a mini cooper (we're both enthusiasts) its made of fibreglass so DH is cutting it down to make a wall-light, we'll get the kiddies name on the numberplate and probably paint it pink/blue when bubs is here...something like this

NickyB said:
Mildly said:
I love the ideas :D Just realised I won't be posting pictures until tri 3 as I won't make a start on it until my maternity leave starts.

Ditto, something to keep maternity leave from getting boring :)

Exactly, I think my OH is expecting the Sistine Chapel with my 11 weeks off :lol:

Lynsey said:
Mildly, we have the ocean stickers in my son's nursery now and he loves them! He touches the bubbles and can now point to each one when I say their name. I would definitely recommend them!

Brilliant :D They are cute looking fish too, they remind me a bit of Nemo. Don't suppose you have any pictures of your son's room that you could post. I'm just interested to see what you've done with them :D

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