Nursery Plans


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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When is eveyone starting to get the nursery painted etc?

We are going to paint soon I think so all the fumes are gone by the time bub arrives. But I know as soon as I paint I will want to get everything to put in it :lol:
MY nursery is done haha. Iv just kept it cream and have a pine cot and wardrobe and 2 sets of pine drawers. A cream blind and then iv just added bits of pink, like foto frames and teddys ect.....its lush i love it :D

Right thats it. Im doing mine then! I saw a lovely cot I love and I love the gingerbread man theme from mamas and papas as we dont know what we are having. oh exciting!
going to start on the nursery very soon, its going to be disney themed, but need to clear the room first
I stuck to the creams and light browns hun as i did my nursey from about 17 weeks pregnant, then when i found out it was a girl, i just added little bits of pink, and now it looks lovely :)

Mine is painted lilac and so far has just the moses basket in it and a lottttt of clothes. Haven't found a cot i love yet.
thats the best thing do do, nice and neutral and you can add things xxxxx
Haha its all i've really brought so far, i have tons!! And my mom brought some more for her today saying its her coming out of the hospital stuff! It was such cute stuff i just agreed! And she has the cutest little pink beret in the whole world! I love that i'm having a girl lol xx
ive got lots that have been passed down, not knowing what sex it is is a nightmare though as i dont know what to keep or not to keep. meeah, do u know what you are having?
I'm having a girl :) I'm making them double check at the 4d scan tomorrow but the scanner person said it was a girl at my 20 week scan :) x
I went a bit crazy and bought a lot of cream things, but now i know baby is a girl, iv bought more and so have my friends :D

Also my friend has a 7month old little girl, so i now have all newborn. 0-3 and 3-6 haha

ive just read your last post, ignore that question!
meeah dont forget to make a post after ur 4d booking my soon, and want to know how it is ? if thats ok??

Good luck with your 4d scan tomorow Meeah, lots of pics please
My baby is likely to be sleeping in my room as i am moving into a one bedroom cottage soon. Its a very big bedroom and i will decorate it cream and have a beautiful big cot and pretty things in the room just for me and my baby :)

Everyones ideas sound lovely!
I cant decorate anywhere as me and OH are moving at the end of June (due in July)
If we were staying put though i would probs have started weeks ago, i get to excited about these things and when i have an idea for something i find it hard to hold back! :lol:

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