Nuchal Translucency Fluid


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hey girlies, I was just wondering if anyone here has ever had problems with or knows someone who's had unusually large nuchal translucency on their baby detected early on? It's normally a good indicator of genetic problems and I've had all the tests done so I know she doesn't have Downs or anything genetically wrong with her. Not sure what else it could be though. Has anyone else experienced this and then gone on to have a healthy baby?
soz can't help i just wanted to give you a hug, have the docs explained why? :hug: :hug:
sorry hun cant help, hope u get some answers soon, u tried goggle???
I did with Tom, think we spoke about it briefly before.

I was given a 1 in 5 downs risk due to the fluid, had CVS which, like you, all came back negative for chromosomal problems, had countless fetal heart scans and scans with a heart consultant.

When he came out he was perfect, nothing wrong at all. The only explanation I have been given is that I as I had a bit of a cold on the days of the first scans he could have also caught a little bug and this can be detected as an increase in the fluid.

Haven't had any of the tests this time, they caused more problems, more heartache and more worrying than they were worth. I'm taking my chances.

PM me if you want a chat :hug: :hug: x
Didnt want to read and run darling! So I am sending you some :hug:
Hey hun, my baby had increased fluid on the neck but I was told after all the tests came back ok that it could mean big baby or that baby had a little bug!! xxx
Ahhh so it could be nothing serious at all then! :) My LO has a 10mm bag of fluid on the back of her neck and so far it hasn't got any smaller. All the tests came back normal and we're probably gonna have all the heart scans done next to rule out problems there. She has a normal strong heartbeat though so I have a feeling she's gonna be ok :D

Noodle1 have tried PMing someone before but I don't think it worked as it is still sat in the outbox?

I have a strong feeling that all is going to be ok for you Allycat, im sure there will be a very happy ending! :dance:

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