Nuchal Scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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hi ive just googled this on the net as ive heard it mentioned on here and most sites say this is done between 11 and 13 weeks.
i (to my knowledge) have not had this done yet,would this have been looked for at my dating scan or is it some sort of procedure i would be aware of if done already?
i have my first midwife appointment on thursday afternoon so will ask about it then but wondered if anyone could shed any light beforehand as to when i will or should have had this done!

many thanks! :hug:
:wave: I saw midwife at 8 weeks and she organized my scan for 12+3. When did you have your dating scan?
In some places they don't do this unless you've had blood tests which say you have an increased risk or if you pay privately. Here you can have optional blood tests to assess your risk and then go on from there but obviously if you're in second tri :D and you feel you want one then it's wort finding out what the policy is by phoning your midwife.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
i *think* you have to pay privately for a nuchal translucency test. they can give you the risk of downs syndrome in your triple test bloods (if you opt for that blood test) which is done between 14 and 16 weeks of pregnancy.

some places offer them but not routinely.

if you have an appt with your midwife at 14 weeks this will be when you have bloods taken and you should have already been asked if you want the triple test doing. if you do they take the blood at that appt and write to you within a week saying whether you are high or low risk. if you are high risk they call you in to talk about the results. if you arent then you dont need to worry until you see your midwife at your next appt
yea same where I live you have ur dating scan then some bloods and if there is a high risk then u can get further tests on the NHS or u can pay to have them done :hug:
In my borough, you get it automatically if you're seen as high risk (which i think is aged 35 & over... :( )
Oh i've got mine on Friday and i thought that it was just the normal dating scan as its the only one i've been offered, is it not then?
It depends on your hospital/midwife unit etc as to whether you get a Nuchal scan on the NHS. Not all offer this service for free, if you want it and they don't offer it in your area you have to pay to have a private one.

If your area does offer it (mine does and had the scan today), then you will be asked if you want the Nuchal screening for downs when you see your midwife and i thnk they asked me again when i booked in for the scan and again when i went today to confirm you definitely want the test done. It will happen at the same time as your dating scan, as long as this falls within the 11-14week dates.
thanks for the replies ladys!! :D
if i have to pay for this is it recommended or only if i was classed as high risk?
alos what is high risk classed as? im assuming it would be over age 35? (im 31) and if there was any history of downs in the familys (there isn't)

thanks! :hug:
I think you have to do what you feel comfortable with. TBH if I were you I'd not worry about a Nuchal. They do other tests later on in the NHS and you can opt for an amnio if results are in a high risk % area.

I had my Nuchal and bloods done privately. I was 37 at the time and so wanted to know what was what. Plus I was not keen on the amnio odds and so wanted a less invasive test done. Many NHS Trusts don't offer Nuchal at all (not enough people trained) and while they are slowly improving most people still have to go private.

Have a chat with your MW and see if you will be happy with the blood test and go from there. If the results from that are cause for concern you can have further tests then. Also consider if knowing one way or the other will change how you feel about your pregnancy and baby. Many women say that either way they would be keeping their baby so don't worry about having a Nuchal or any other test.
We thought about having the Nuchal scan because a friend of mine had been classed as high risk through bloods and then gone on to have two perfectly normal babies. I didn't want to risk this happening as I don't want the amio. However, we were told that although the Nuchal is a better sreening process than the bloods it still just gives you odds and can't tell you one way or the other. In the end we have decided not to have any downs tests because I am not in a high risk group and if they can't tell us definately then think is probably best not to know. That's just me however, I found it helpful to speak to my mw and also other friends who had had the test. The more you know about it the better your decision will be and you have to think about what you will do if the result is not the one you want...
I had a Nucal scan done privately as im an 'older mum' and was worried but it has to be done no later than 13 weeks or the fluid and skin are not as they need to be to get a correct analysis.
I know it is a garauntee to be 100% but i can get on with being pregnant with much less of a worry now as it was low risk.
I was offered one automatically, which I think is because I'm 36.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do :hug:
Most NHS trusts as far as I am aware don't offer NT scans because of the lack of trained staff. My hospital (not the whole trust) started offering these for babies due after 24/12/08 but forgot to do it when I went for my scan at 11+3 but all women are offered the triple test between 16 and 20 weeks so I wouldn't worry if you haven't had a NT scan.

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