Nucal Test


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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I was so adamant of not having any downs tests done as I've/we've decided that whatever baby is sent us we will love it. However when we went for 12 week scan at to hospital the sonographer was so rude and abrupt I didn't even get to see the heartbeat that we booked a private scan as I was 13 weeks it was book as the Nucal test but the guy was brilliant I told him I didn't really want the test done and he was fine had a great look at the baby and heartbeat it was soo clear. When he was scanning he said all looked really good and did we want him to look at the nucal DH said yes and I agreed and he said it looks normal (88% sure) so I am very very relieved. :D We have much better scan pics too but I forgot to bring them into work to scan them so will do it tomorrow.
I was quite idsappointed at the 12 week scan as wsell - we were in and out in 3 mins and I didn't see the heartbeat - the sonagrapher said it was fine though, and the picture was great.

20 week scan on friday which I'm hoping will be better - otherwise we will book a private one.
It's a shame the 12 week scans were not that great for you ladies. Mine was nice, nice picture and all just a crappy misery moo of a scanning lady doing it. I have a private 16 week scan on the 21st and am looking forward to it greatly, really hope to have some lovely pitcures then as I would like to get one of these done:

I wasn't going to book a Nuchal scan but it was offered as part of my 12 week scan and I agreed so I could watch pudding on the screen a few minutes longer. For my age I did have a 1 in 700 chance of Downs Syndrome, I now have a 1 in 13,000 chance!! I'm pleased I agreed now!! :lol:
wow Nicola that's a fantastic ratio. I wasn't actually given a ratio just told all looks normal which I was very happy to accept.
I know!! :D It's written in my pregnancy book the hospital gave me. I've to take it to every appointment and it becomes a medical journal of my pregnancy type thing.

I had to look but the actual numbers are:

Before: 1 in 783
After: 1 in 13,467

I was pleased with that! No idea what that is percentage wise but I'm ultra happy with my odds on that one!! They also test for Edwards Syndrome and something called (spelling?) "Pataus" Syndrome. Both are similar to Downs but far more severe. My chances of those were extremely slim too.
Yeah the sonographer mentioned those too but as I'm not going to have the triple test don't think I would get a ratio but not worried just delighted that the nucal fold test looked good.
I'm glad your scan went so well Smurf and the private sonographer sounds really nice. :)

In my area it's normal to have a Nuchal scan at 12 weeks over a certain age (think it's 35) so I wasn't offered one.. just told I was to have it! The Sonographer was more interested in doing the calculations than showing us the baby. She was also quite miserable (why do they pick the most abrupt type of women to do that job??)

arrrrgghh had my whole comment written and it vanished.

2nd attempt.

My hospital you have to be 40 to get the nucal test included and as I'm 39 I didn't qualify at my sisters hospital its 35 its very unfair that it differs so much from area to area. That said I probably wouldn't have had it done on the NHS cos the sonographer was such a cow.

It really is amazing the amount of girls on here and ones I spoken to outside that have had a grumpy sonographer at their 12 week scan. I know they have to do this day in day out BUT they chose to do it. Its very unfair expecially on first time mums who have never seen a baby scan before add to that the amazament of it being your baby its just crazy how do these women get the jobs it baffles me. I understand they have to stay detached but there's detached and downright rude.

Anyway rant over I'm delighted I went for a private scan and all is ok
hey, i'm sorry ur first sonographer was so mean!
its very special when u first see the heartbeat, isnt it? i was shown at my 12-week scan but to be honest i couldnt see what she was pointing at (was too embarrased to tell her tho!), but at my 20-week scan LO was so much bigger i could see the heartbeat, fingers, ribs, brain and face! it was magical, although babies faces on scans look a bit strange dont they?!
are u gonna keep getting private scans now then?
To be honest trixipaws I don't think we can afford to keep getting private scans done so hopefully the 20 week scan will be ok but saying that we are hoping to get a 3D scan done at 28-30 weeks the 4D are too expensive for us.
Private scans really are expensive, I'm going for a gender scan next week and that cost enough but looking at the nuchal scan they want £185 to do that!! Crazy money - I'm considering a 3D/4D later in the pregnancy but who knows, it comes down to finances really and does baby need something practical more than mummy having another picture type thing!! :roll:
I think the cost of these private scans is so high. I would probably be tempted but I think the money could be spent better elsewhere.

Fortunately, my consultant has booked me in for a detailed scan at 21 weeks then 3 scans from 28 weeks so looks like I'll get mine from the NHS anyway. :) (I only hope I don't get the grumpy sonographer again!)

Sabrina that's excellent getting all those extra scans. I don't think I would be so lucky.

We paid £100 for the Nucal scan not sure I would have gone ahead if I had to pay £185 that's extorsionate. We think the 3D scan is about £150 the 4D ones are well over £200 which we certainly couldn't afford.
Sabrina good for you getting those extra scans on the NHS!! Private ones are expensive indeed. I have booked my gender scan with Babybond which is where I got the £185 price for the Nuchal scan also. Gosh imagine them being £85 more than the £100 you paid - that's madness.
:oops: I don't know why the consultant said so many scans... but I guess I am lucky to have that many.

I had a private ultrasound scan in the Summer last year for an non pregnancy problem. It was only £85. Makes me think they make more money knowing it's a baby scan. :(

Different hospitals seem to charge different rates its a joke. Nicola is there no other private hospitals near you that might be a bit cheaper.?
Sabrina, I think your right, it's like the difference in hiring a venue for a "Party" or a "Wedding Reception" they are the SAME THING but one costs 3 times more than the other!!!!

Smurf: Not sure about other local hospitals. The Nuffield in Brighton do ultrasounds but are apparently really nasty when you call to book for anything other than replacing your 12 or 20 week NHS scan as if gender scans, nuchal scans etc are just un-necessary extras. I'm ok with the sexing scan price but shan't be going there for anything else. I'm fortunate that my Nuchal was done as part of the 12-week NHS scan, I'd not have bothered booking a seperate one at that price.

Sorry the first scan went so bad, some people are so cruel , they must not have kids or be miserable on thier own lives.:(
Glad everything looks fine though.
Andreag- good luck for your scan on friday!! Mine is thursday cant wait.
God Nicola you'd think because you're paying for it they'd be nicer but hey ho I am sure they lose a lot of business that way.

Anyway good luck with your sexing scan hopefully your little bean is co-operative and doesn't cross its legs.

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