November mummies

Have you tried ginger biscuits or ginger ale, I bought ginger ale last week just in case and someone had some ginger biscuits at work, I found that worked to suppress the slight sick feeling, or dry crackers?
Hope you start to feel better soon xx

Thank you, they did work but not anymore :( I’m seeing the midwife today so will see what she suggests :) xx
Any tips on if you can’t eat? Everything is turning my stomach! Yesterday I managed to keep down a banana and half a slice of toast, today my toast made me vomit. Rx
I was going to suggest bread as that’s all’s I can really stomach but if your toast made you sick I’m not sure.
Can you try dry food like crackers?
I’ve heard sickness bands are good xx
I was going to suggest bread as that’s all’s I can really stomach but if your toast made you sick I’m not sure.
Can you try dry food like crackers?
I’ve heard sickness bands are good xx

I’ve got some sickness bands :) the midwife was great, she has prescribed me some medication as she said it will only get worse over the next few weeks. Xx
Does anyone else get a sudden dip in blood sugars or a feeling like their gonna pass out of they dont eat something asap??
I've been trying to be a bit better not overeating today, breakfast, dinner at fruit through the day, got home from work and just sorting tea and I suddenly had this awful wave come over me where I needed sugar or something.
I ended up eating everything in site to curb it
I'm now sat on the couch feeling guilty and teas cooking away in the oven and wont be ages before its ready!!
Does anyone else get a sudden dip in blood sugars or a feeling like their gonna pass out of they dont eat something asap??
I've been trying to be a bit better not overeating today, breakfast, dinner at fruit through the day, got home from work and just sorting tea and I suddenly had this awful wave come over me where I needed sugar or something.
I ended up eating everything in site to curb it
I'm now sat on the couch feeling guilty and teas cooking away in the oven and wont be ages before its ready!!

Don’t feel guilty, I think that if your body needs something it asks for it. If you’re worried ask your midwife at your booking appointment. Hope your dinner isn’t too much longer x
Don’t feel guilty, I think that if your body needs something it asks for it. If you’re worried ask your midwife at your booking appointment. Hope your dinner isn’t too much longer x

Thanks Roo!
I didn't end up eating all my tea, think it's the realisation I'd eaten a cheese cracker, tortilla chips and dip and an apple with some peanut butter
I just feel so crappy even though I know I'm growing a baby !!
It doesn't help that only me and hubby know so I'm conscious ppl are looking at me and thinking 'ohh you've put a few pounds on' or that I look pregnant but you cant even tell if you get me.
I'm off to the gym now, I may feel a little better once I've half hour or so?
Thank you xxx
Hope you feel better after the gym chlo!!

We have another scan next week. Everything was perfect at our 7 week one but I’m so scared (nothing has happened) that baby’s heartbeat will just stop. It’s my history making me worry. I keep telling myself everything is fine but it’s deffo on my mind xx
Hope you feel better after the gym chlo!!

We have another scan next week. Everything was perfect at our 7 week one but I’m so scared (nothing has happened) that baby’s heartbeat will just stop. It’s my history making me worry. I keep telling myself everything is fine but it’s deffo on my mind xx

I did thank you, glad I went !!

Try to think positive, dont overthink it and I'm sure it will all be perfectly fine!!
I'm having my blood tests done with the midwife on Thursday and because I dont know what to expect I'm a tad anxious?
But we'll get through this xx
I did thank you, glad I went !!

Try to think positive, dont overthink it and I'm sure it will all be perfectly fine!!
I'm having my blood tests done with the midwife on Thursday and because I dont know what to expect I'm a tad anxious?
But we'll get through this xx

I know I’m a worrier naturally so it’s really hard for me to just relax atm. I’ll feel so much better if our 9 week scan goes okay. I’m 8 weeks tomorrow so not much longer to wait.

Is it your first appointment?
I know I’m a worrier naturally so it’s really hard for me to just relax atm. I’ll feel so much better if our 9 week scan goes okay. I’m 8 weeks tomorrow so not much longer to wait.

Is it your first appointment?
That's me too, worry wart!!
I feel like once weve had the 12 week scan and I can tell ppl I will hopefully relax a little.
Is your scan a check up one?
No I saw the midwife 2 weeks ago where she took all our info, then I'm in this week for blood tests and she said she would tell me a date for our first scan?
That's me too, worry wart!!
I feel like once weve had the 12 week scan and I can tell ppl I will hopefully relax a little.
Is your scan a check up one?
No I saw the midwife 2 weeks ago where she took all our info, then I'm in this week for blood tests and she said she would tell me a date for our first scan?
Did you not get any bloods done at that appointment?
Blood tests are routine so don’t worry unless they’ve said other wise!

Yes so I had a 7 week scan due to spotting and a history of MCs so they have offered me a 9 week reassurance scan. Even tho I heard a heartbeat I’m petrified that when I go to this next one it won’t be there anymore.

Did you not get any bloods done at that appointment?
Blood tests are routine so don’t worry unless they’ve said other wise!

Yes so I had a 7 week scan due to spotting and a history of MCs so they have offered me a 9 week reassurance scan. Even tho I heard a heartbeat I’m petrified that when I go to this next one it won’t be there anymore.

No, she just said she'll book me in for the routine bloods this week.
The app went so fast and she had so much to check, ask and write lol!

Oh, I had spotting early on and phoned and got in for an early scan, measured and showed I was 5+4, only the sac so went back 2 weeks later and heart beat was there :) but I didn't get to hear anything which was a bit rubbish!
I was worrying they'd not see anything, but was so happy when they did, so I'm sure yours will be fine too.

I've got to get through next weekend with friends(none of them know anything) drinking and nights out and I keep telling hubby I want to lock myself away and not go, they will all be 'you not drinking' and I'm the worst liar ever
Just gonna wing it hahaha xx
No, she just said she'll book me in for the routine bloods this week.
The app went so fast and she had so much to check, ask and write lol!

Oh, I had spotting early on and phoned and got in for an early scan, measured and showed I was 5+4, only the sac so went back 2 weeks later and heart beat was there :) but I didn't get to hear anything which was a bit rubbish!
I was worrying they'd not see anything, but was so happy when they did, so I'm sure yours will be fine too.

I've got to get through next weekend with friends(none of them know anything) drinking and nights out and I keep telling hubby I want to lock myself away and not go, they will all be 'you not drinking' and I'm the worst liar ever
Just gonna wing it hahaha xx

Oh you’ll be in and out it took seconds at my booking appointment!
Glad everything went okay scans are so good at reassuring. I had a mmc for my last mc which is why I’m particularly worried about the heartbeat stopping.

Can you not just cancel and say your sick? I know what you mean it was supposed to be my birthday night out this weekend but I cancelled saying I was sick
Try get a few mocktails without anyone noticing!
Oh you’ll be in and out it took seconds at my booking appointment!
Glad everything went okay scans are so good at reassuring. I had a mmc for my last mc which is why I’m particularly worried about the heartbeat stopping.

Can you not just cancel and say your sick? I know what you mean it was supposed to be my birthday night out this weekend but I cancelled saying I was sick
Try get a few mocktails without anyone noticing!

I can understand why your worried, always here to listen though

It's a group of couples that are going out, weve said yes now, told hubby he's to help support me and get me the drinks Haha

Ohh happy birthday !!! Xxx
Hi Ladies, I had my scan on Friday.. baby was measuring 4mm and unfortunately there was no heartbeat. I've had constant spotting the past 2 weeks (which was the reason for the early scan) everything seems to have escalated since the scan and I've now had fresh bleeding and pains but not enough to be admitted or looked at which is frustrating.

Long wait ahead waiting for my next scan on Saturday. Keeping everything crossed but preparing for the worst.

Hi Ladies, I had my scan on Friday.. baby was measuring 4mm and unfortunately there was no heartbeat. I've had constant spotting the past 2 weeks (which was the reason for the early scan) everything seems to have escalated since the scan and I've now had fresh bleeding and pains but not enough to be admitted or looked at which is frustrating.

Long wait ahead waiting for my next scan on Saturday. Keeping everything crossed but preparing for the worst.

Do the nurses think your as far along as you think?

Have you contacted the mid wife?

I hope this is start to ease up and everything's ok?

Do the nurses think your as far along as you think?

Have you contacted the mid wife?

I hope this is start to ease up and everything's ok?


Strangely enough they didn't say about how far I am but they did say that it's common to not see a heartbeat I think I'm a couple of weeks less than first anticipated.. hopefully that's why anyway :-)

I've not spoken to the midwife yet, going to call her tomorrow morning and see what she says. Luckily my MIL works in the local maternity ward and has MW friends so she's been quite useful this weekend.

I'm hoping that too, I was quite lucky at the start with minimal symptoms and just nausea after waking up and going to bed... so maybe this is just a bump in the road :-) xxx
Strangely enough they didn't say about how far I am but they did say that it's common to not see a heartbeat I think I'm a couple of weeks less than first anticipated.. hopefully that's why anyway :)

I've not spoken to the midwife yet, going to call her tomorrow morning and see what she says. Luckily my MIL works in the local maternity ward and has MW friends so she's been quite useful this weekend.

I'm hoping that too, I was quite lucky at the start with minimal symptoms and just nausea after waking up and going to bed... so maybe this is just a bump in the road :) xxx

I'm wondering whether you may be a little behind schedule...fingers crossed that's all it is?

I had an early scan as had pain and a little discharge, they measured me at 5+4 and no heartbeat, I thought I was 6 1/2 weeks at the time and was a bit gutted but went back 2 weeks later for a check up scan and the heart beat was found(measured 7+3) that was 2 weeks ago now.

That's amazing that you have connections to ease your mind a little, especially that there in the hospital, but like your doing just ring the mid wife in the morning.
I'll keep my positive vibes going for you xxx
Hi Ladies, I had my scan on Friday.. baby was measuring 4mm and unfortunately there was no heartbeat. I've had constant spotting the past 2 weeks (which was the reason for the early scan) everything seems to have escalated since the scan and I've now had fresh bleeding and pains but not enough to be admitted or looked at which is frustrating.

Long wait ahead waiting for my next scan on Saturday. Keeping everything crossed but preparing for the worst.


I’ve been through this before I know how horrible it is.
Hopefully your just off with your dates which is possible!!
Have you phoned your local epau and told them about the new bleeding? That might be a good idea, they could check bloods etc?
Good luck for Saturday
I’ve been through this before I know how horrible it is.
Hopefully your just off with your dates which is possible!!
Have you phoned your local epau and told them about the new bleeding? That might be a good idea, they could check bloods etc?
Good luck for Saturday

Yes, spoke to them this morning they've advised that as I'm not in crippling pain and the bleed isn't heavy that I just need to relax as much as possible and wait until Saturday... but call them if it gets worse/heavier.

I don't know if it's just me but as it's my first I just dont know what to expect or what's normal and when they're asking me if its heavy I struggle to answer as I dont have anything to compare it to.

I'm feeling hopeful for sat - thank you! Xx

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