*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

Ordered a new doppler (my old one was a bag of poop) I'm so excited i can't wait for it to arrive! Xx

I've just found mine! And looking back at my daughters pregnancy stuff, I think I found her heartbeat at less than 12 weeks, so now I'm excited to try and find this one! It needs new batteries and some gel stuff.
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well!

I'm 8+2 still without symptoms! Had my first midwife appointment the other day, very exciting even though it was just a chat. Got a book on pregnancy which is tiring to read as its in Swedish lol. How often do you get check ups in England in the third trimester? In Sweden it's every other week!

We've decided for our gender announcement we're going to ask the midwife (they do the scans here) to write the gender down on a piece of paper and we'll take it to a bakery, which we would have already spoken to, and they'll bake us a cake. Then at the dinner party we'll have when we cut into it it'll be either blue or pink!

Happy Easter!! xxx
Whos is the forst 12wk scan? Mines next monday - cannot come fast enough!!!!!!!
Were going to stay team yellow at 20wks i think. :)
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well!

I'm 8+2 still without symptoms! Had my first midwife appointment the other day, very exciting even though it was just a chat. Got a book on pregnancy which is tiring to read as its in Swedish lol. How often do you get check ups in England in the third trimester? In Sweden it's every other week!

We've decided for our gender announcement we're going to ask the midwife (they do the scans here) to write the gender down on a piece of paper and we'll take it to a bakery, which we would have already spoken to, and they'll bake us a cake. Then at the dinner party we'll have when we cut into it it'll be either blue or pink!

Happy Easter!! xxx

I saw mine on Weds at 10 weeks, next one is at 16 weeks, scan at 20 weeks, midwife at 28 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks, 41 weeks if baby hasnt arrive.
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well!

I'm 8+2 still without symptoms! Had my first midwife appointment the other day, very exciting even though it was just a chat. Got a book on pregnancy which is tiring to read as its in Swedish lol. How often do you get check ups in England in the third trimester? In Sweden it's every other week!

We've decided for our gender announcement we're going to ask the midwife (they do the scans here) to write the gender down on a piece of paper and we'll take it to a bakery, which we would have already spoken to, and they'll bake us a cake. Then at the dinner party we'll have when we cut into it it'll be either blue or pink!

Happy Easter!! xxx

I saw mine on Weds at 10 weeks, next one is at 16 weeks, scan at 20 weeks, midwife at 28 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks, 41 weeks if baby hasnt arrive.

Ah okay, sounds pretty similar then! I get scanned at 10 weeks, 13 weeks, 18-21 and then check ups.
T2186 that sounds great! My cousin gave me a similar idea of a balloon in a box pink or blue. We're going to have a gender reveal party BBQ for close friends and family and release the balloon. Your cake idea sounds so much more yummy though!

I was there every couple of weeks too can't really remember to be exact but I felt I was there a lot. My scan is the 26th which will be a week on Wednesday.


We are finding out the gender i didnt with my first and to be honest once id given birth you could have told me she was a tea pot and i wouldnt care, it wasnt magical at all, so i found out with my second. my 2nd was rushed away for oxyge, xrays and to neo natal etc because of breathing propblems (it was wet lung thankfully) i was thankful i knew, you dont get a special moment with a poorly baby so im not risking not knowing this time. Hopefully it wont happen again especially now they know it happened the first time.

No gender revial thing though we are taking the girls with us to a private scan (they cant go into a nhs one) so they can see the baby and finding out there as a family. xx

My scan is on Wednesday!! 4 sleeps. xx
Wednesday! How exciting redbear

I feel fucking hideous! 😢 like i literally want to curl up in a ball and die hideous 😢 i really hate tri1 😢
And off to a wedding evening tonight -on my own -joyfull!
Wednesday! How exciting redbear

I feel fucking hideous! 😢 like i literally want to curl up in a ball and die hideous 😢 i really hate tri1 😢
And off to a wedding evening tonight -on my own -joyfull!

I know its not until 3pm though so will drag. hopefully the bank holiday monday and speach therapy for my lg tuesday will help fill out the dys xx
My scan is a week on Tuesday and I'm so so impatient!
4th May for me!!!
We have a baby countdown board from when we had our lg. So we are going to get her to hold it ans then take a picture and use that as pur announcement!!
Clearly morning sickness isn't enough to contend with so I've awoken with conjunctivitis. Whey!

Happy Easter everyone. Got a lovely day planned, making an Easter bonnet, egg decorating followed by an egg dump, an egg hunt in the garden then dinner at the in laws.

Hope you all have a fun day! xxx

Happy Easter i have eaten bacon and philidelphia bagels and eaten chocolate eggs. our plan for the day is to do nothing, followed by nothing lol xx
Hi ladies :wave: Hope it's ok to join you all. I am 9 weeks tomorrow. I am 41 years old and worrying about everything!! I have had 2 previous miscarriages and then was lucky enough to have my little boy through ivf in 2012.
Hi ladies :wave: Hope it's ok to join you all. I am 9 weeks tomorrow. I am 41 years old and worrying about everything!! I have had 2 previous miscarriages and then was lucky enough to have my little boy through ivf in 2012.

Congratulations!! I dont have any advice for not worrying but i do hope everthing goes well for you. A good friend of mine had her third at 43 (lg is 3 now) we go to slimming world and met at a baby and toddler group. Age means nothing parenting we are all going through the same feelings. All mums do is worry. xx
Hi Lillybell & welcome. :)

Sorry to hear about your miscarriages.

Obviously can't say don't worry as we all do it but I found this forum helps to talk about our worries so I'm glad you've joined us. :)

How are you feeling? I'm still feeling sick, have been for 5 weeks and counting! I'm 11 weeks 2 days xxx

I keep getting random spasms in my tummy which I *know* are not kicks but really feel like them. Can't wait to feel some movement.

For those who've had 2 or more do you feel movement earlier in 2nd pregnancy? xxx

I keep getting random spasms in my tummy which I *know* are not kicks but really feel like them. Can't wait to feel some movement.

For those who've had 2 or more do you feel movement earlier in 2nd pregnancy? xxx

I think so because you know what your feeling ifykwim? xx
True! Midwife said around 18 weeks? I missed feeling baby kicks the most about being pregnant xxx


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