*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!


I'm chloe, 27and mummy to two boys already (10years and 21montha!).

We have been trying for our third and final baby for six months and got our BFP yesterday :)

According to dates we are due on the 6th November (so please put me down for that) however I fully expect that to change after the scan due to long cycle lengths.

Looking forwards to getting to know you all :)

Nothing happened at my GP appt. And I mean literally nothing. I don't even know where to go from here? Do I contact the midwife myself?? With my daughter the GP did it all for me.

Welcome Chloe. Congratulations on your BFP! :)

I'll put you down for the 6th :) xxx

At my old Dr's starchild once we'd seen the Dr's we were then able to book our own 'booking in' appointment with the midwife at around 9wks.

Ring them and see - those receptionists know everything.
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The thing is I can't find a number for the midwife service. I tried to just ring the hospital but no answer I think 'cause our local hospital is small it closes early. I'll ring again in the morning. Thanks! xxx

With my daughter - I just had to ring my surgery and make an appointment with the midwife.

This time, I've got to see the GP, who will book my scan apparently and then ring the surgery to book my appointment with the midwife.
The thing is I can't find a number for the midwife service. I tried to just ring the hospital but no answer I think 'cause our local hospital is small it closes early. I'll ring again in the morning. Thanks! xxx

Your GP surgery should be able to put you in touch with them.
So i was told if i want a scan at 7wks i have to go private regardleas of my history!
They are like £90 here :(

I have my booking appt on monday though :)

Hi to all the new november mummies - hope everyone is well
Ah thanks Mayflower!

Perhaps speak to the midwife during your booking appt Claire. Explain your worries. How many weeks are you? I was told booking appointments weren't until after 8 weeks.

I can't believe I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow, xxx

I don't get my booking appointment until I'm 11 weeks, feels so far away.
Hello pismo and congratulations.
Starched I think oh will be getting the same 3 kids is enough for us!!
I don't know what I'll even do for the midwife. They are shutting the current one stop shop at my local sure start and I don't even know if my surgery has a midwife as it's very small. I hope I don't have to get a bus there and back everytime between my school and nursery runs. Hey how if that's what I have to do but, I'd rather not especially when I'm further along it will be hard. Xxx
Im telling my parents tomorrow...have to admit I am actually really nervous lol
Ill be 7wks on monday. Im having it early due to history and my mental health history. (Pre natal and post natal depression with my son) so im 'high risk' now and have already had involvement from the HV xxxx
Claire - I hope your midwife is understanding of your needs and refers you accordingly! Keep us updated.

Rachel - also petrified of telling my parents for some odd reason (not like im a fully grown adult that can make my own life choices or anything ��)

Have horrendous heartburn tonight and having a few 'stretching' type cramps in my pelvic areas... I always worry something might be wrong.
I seem to have the worst nausea around tea time. But only lasts 10odd mins. I have stretching pains but other than that not much really!
Today is my due date from my MC 😢
So it turns out I should have filled out a referral form at reception yesterday at the doctors. So I'll do that today.

I'm officially week 6 which is when my morning sickness hit last time so I'm bracing myself! Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Sorry to hear that Claire, just try and think of the future though, and the LO in your tummy now. :)


Sorry to hear that Claire! I second what starchild said but also that you should take a minute or two (or whatever you need) to grieve again... You can be blissfully happy and sad at the same time and that is fine. But you are growing a new person and should focus on that :)


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