*November 2017 thread!* Think I could be in here! Eek!

My heartburn and sickness have gone too. In fact I don't feel pregnant at all.

I'm not sure when to tell work, if my morning sickness is as bad as last time from 6+ weeks I'll have to tell them soon. If not I'll hold off til later on.

Don't worry Claire as long as it's saying pregnant, you're pregnant. :)

Work has been exhausting today, another early night! Lol xxx

My sickness was horrific from.7wks. Ive been hoogling.and it would appear alot of people have the same problem with cbs.

I have 1 left and will take it friday.

I dont really have symptoms.
Stingy nips and abit of heartburn but thats ot really xxx
Omg. ..I was on the November mummy thread last year, just got my Bfp. ..In total shock :D :D

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Claire, big hugs, those Clearblue Digis are unreliable hunny, I can empathise with how you're feeling, its so scary isn't it :hugs:
Congratulations Clover!! :)

I've literally zero symptoms except from feeling cold and having cold feet.

Said to OH earlier is not like I forget exactly, but sometimes it totally slips my mind that I'm pregnant.


I am going in-fucking-sane!!!!!!!!!!!
Tri1 is crap! Literally dont even feel in control of my thoughts!
Maybe im slightly crazy?!? Ive never ever panicked over something so muxh before!

Heartburn is my enemy right now.
And all.i want is abit of sickness if ots the only reassurance i can get!
Welcome clover!!
I feel the same. I haven't done any more tests since my positive. I think it would stress me out more. I know their is nothing I can do so I'm just waiting. Bobbing along lol xx
Claire that's a really good sign sweetie,
Red bear I'm tempted to test more but I'm not going to as I became obsessed last year,

I can't believe my due date is the same as last year


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Thanks Claire, I just hope this is my rainbow, I just can't get as excited and hopeful as I was last time, I know you've been through the same , I hate tri 1 officially lol

I've lost almost 3 stone since my mc last year and I do feel healthier so I'm just hoping and praying :)


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Hope this is your rainbow baby Clover. I too think it's a sign that your due date is the same!

I'm just trying to enjoy tri one whilst I'm not throwing up every 5 minutes! Lol

My doctors appointment is tomorrow I'm quite excited even tho I know nothing's gonna happen! Lol xxx

What is your due date Clover and I'll add you to the list xxx

Thibking thay symptoms may be starting to kick in abit now - touch wood!
Feeling pretty queezy on and off.
Bloated to chuff!

I so so hope this bean is sticking in deepxxxxx
I've just put the dryer on and the smell made me feel a bit sick. Smells were a huge thing last pregnancy, didn't like the smell of anything except dettol citrus wipes which I could have just eaten :lol: xxx

My Mother's Day cards arrived and I'm so pleased with them! X

The MW still has not called.
Im literally screwing! Im.obsessed 🙈

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