***November 2016 Mummies***

I'm so so sorry meandmygirl :( heartbreaking news, thinking of you sweetie xxx
I'm so sorry meandmygirl :( such sad news

I'm still going through my m/c it's been 4 weeks on Monday since I started bleeding, seems so long ago since I was posting on here,

Miss you all


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I'm so sorry to hear your news Meandmygirl :( hope all goes ok considering tomorrow.

I have been bleeding & cramping on/off this weekend. Not bad enough to rush to A&E or anything but the out of hours GP has booked me a threatened miscarriage scan for Weds. Its all so scary and makes you realise how fragile the whole pregnancy thing can be.

Hope everyone else is feeling ok & managing to enjoy some of this lovely sunshine!
Birdie - good luck for your scan wednesday...can imagine that's going to drag :( I just wanted to reassure you - I had a bleed at 7+5, had an early scan and everything was fine, even saw a heartbeat! I had my booking app this week and I mentioned it, she said its very common to have bleeding and cramping in the first trimester as your body adjusts to the new occupant :) fingers crossed sweetie everything will be ok. Let us know how you get on and take it easy until then :) xxx
Oh birdie I really hope everything is OK. Get lots of rest xx
It's scan week, yay :-)
Anyone else having a scan this week? Mine is Thursday at 11.15 x
Mine not til next week, booo.

Birdie, sorry to hear about the bleeding. Hope your scan goes well on Wed xx
Eeeek good luck for everyone having scans this week!!! Can't wait to see some piccies!! Mines a week Wednesday :) times going to drag so bad!! xx
Hello! My names April, and I'm due in November, I was a member here whilst pregnant with child number 1 and was wondering if I could join? Ive had two scans and between that and my dates my due date ranges between 28th - 30th November. :) xx
Welcome April and congratulations!! :) I think our due dates are very close! According to LMP I'm due 22nd Nov but I ovulate late in my cycle so I think I'm more towards 29th. Scan next week so will know then :D xx
Thanks Beee!
Thank you Sharcaz! Good luck for your scan! I have my booking appointment on Friday with the midwife as I didn't find out I was pregnant until 2 weeks ago! This pregnancy feels completely different to my first. I Have all the symptoms where as with the first I had nothing till after 12 weeks! Extremely strange!
Hello April, welcome to Nov mummies xx

Well I'm still feeling really s**t and started wondering if my pregnacare tablets were making me worse (have read this a few times) so I switched to seven seas last night.

Woke at 5am (still suffering with insomnia and random sleep patterns) and puked! This is the first iv been sick prior to actually getting up. Sigh. Was hoping the seven seas would be my saviour.

Plus another fiver down the toilet, literally! Lol xx
Hello xxSparklesxx! So sorry to hear you've had a bad night, I hope you feel better soon! Xx
I'm just starting to feel a bit better. I'm convinced my nausea is linked to the sleep deprivation. On a day when I've slept well I feel great but if I have a bad night the nausea is horrific. On the plus side ive not vomited for over a week now. 12 weeks tomorrow so I'm hoping I'll continue improving now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel ladies.
Having said that I now worry about lack of symptoms. Can't wait till I can feel bubba move x

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