***November 2016 Mummies***

So exciting! It's so lovely when you can finally share your news xx
Is anyone's else eating habits all over the place?

Iv just munched my way through a quarter block of cheese!
Is anyone's else eating habits all over the place?

Iv just munched my way through a quarter block of cheese!

Yep!!! I can't take lunch to work work me cos I will either way it before lunch or bin it because I just have to eat something else. I can't plan a meal as what I eat is based on current mood. But if I don't know what I want I always go back to cheese toastie - I'm obsessed with melted cheese!!! X
It's so odd isn't it? I get random ideas of what I want to eat and then minutes later iv gone off it. Oh canny keep up, text him asking for chocolate ice cream (I never eat ice cream normally) then 2 minutes later I was on the phone 'just leave it, don't want it anymore! Lol
Yep my eating habits are odd too.
I've been eating fruit! I never eat fruit!!
Salad appears to be popular too, my family aren't impressed with that.
Sadly the healthy things are accompanied by copious amounts of things with cheese and lots of carbs.
I craved milkshake the other day. OH dutifully went out and bought half the shop only to bring it back me take a sip then vomit.
We now have a fridge full of milkshake. It makes me gag every time I open the fridge!
My hormones are definitely going through the roof this week!!! I properly blew up at my oh last night - over a holiday!!!! I mean full on psycho mode - whoops! From this 30 mins later I was crying my eyes out at something on the tv - neither things really warranted the meltdowns that I had.

This morning, I'm sobbing at say yes to the dress!!!! Wow! X
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Does anybody find that as nice as food tastes when you are eating it you end up with a horrible taste in your mouth for ages after? It kind of sits at the back of my throat and is the most awful taste ever. It makes me gag. Try to wash it away with water but it ends up twice as bad. Yeuch x
Yep, I've not had a hot meal in over 2 weeks! I'm living on snacky cravings - cheese, crisps, snickers bars. The thought of any hot meal makes me stomach churn! It's so strange eh!! xx
We told our mums as thu were brilliant supports when we had the losses, but yesterday we went round to tell family (including oh dad who sobbed his heart out bless him!!) and also visited his grans grave to tell her which was emotional.

Need to tell my team at work then oh is announcing on Facebook this morning xx

Awww that's so lovely! Was it as amazing as you expected telling everyone :) I can't wait to announce ours...3 weeks today! None of our family know at all, so it's out the blue ;)

What did you do for your facebook announcement :) xxx
We told our mums as thu were brilliant supports when we had the losses, but yesterday we went round to tell family (including oh dad who sobbed his heart out bless him!!) and also visited his grans grave to tell her which was emotional.

Need to tell my team at work then oh is announcing on Facebook this morning xx

Awww that's so lovely! Was it as amazing as you expected telling everyone :) I can't wait to announce ours...3 weeks today! None of our family know at all, so it's out the blue ;)

What did you do for your facebook announcement :) xxx

It was just really overwhelming - can't explain!! The comments and likes still haven't stopped and we are at over 300. Me and oh have both been married before (no children though) and both of our marriages ended due to our exs cheating - we were both wary of loving again but we both just fit with each other and managed to let our guards down with each other. So our friends and families are all super pleased that we have both come out of the other side for the better.

Will try and post the announcement pic my oh did - it wouldn't let me yesterday though

Edited to add - can't add the picture. But we both love vans shoes and live in them, so we bought a pair of baby vans and placed them next to a pair of our own each with a chalk board saying "mummy" "daddy" and "baby Miller" xx
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Aw thats sounds so cute millers.

Will need to have a think how to do ours.

Haven't told a sole yet, any ideas how to tell the parents? Last time I told them right away, verbally. But want to do something different this time x
Aw thats sounds so cute millers.

Will need to have a think how to do ours.

Haven't told a sole yet, any ideas how to tell the parents? Last time I told them right away, verbally. But want to do something different this time x

I've seen on Pinterest grandparent coupons - so it says redeemable from your due month which are pretty cute. Also small jigsaws that spell "you're going to be grandparents". There's also a chalkboard where you out a scan pic in the middle - it's a countdown to becoming a grandparent. Check out Pinterest - there's loads of ideas xx
Thanks millersmisses. Had a wee google there and got lots of ideas.

Fx scan goes well and I can actually use them! Less than 4 weeks to go now (dragging) xx
Fingers crossed Sparkles!!!! Sending lots of positive vibes :)

I've just booked our private gender scan for the 21st May - we want to know so bad now!!! Went out yesterday and priced up the pram (oh mum is buying so wanted to know how much to give us), car seat (need 2 isofix bases - one for my car, one for oh's) and also spied the nursery furniture that I want. OH auntie has already gone out and bought us the Tommy Tippee started kit!! It's all happening now xx
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Finally managed to upload a picture of our Facebook announcement for those who asked!!


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My sickness has been relentless the past week it feels like an illness. I can't do anything and I'm supposed to be working at 3. Nothing settles it and by relentless I mean it's every 15/20 mins xx I'm nearly 10 weeks x
Awww Miller I bet you're both just beaming from ear to ear!!! Such a lovely story - how it's ended up i mean :) That's beautiful :) Love the announcement pic too!!

Was it easy to get your scan photos? I'm wondering how expensive they are to buy as our letter says they're charged for, but doesn't say how much. And we'd like to buy a few if we can, no idea how it works! xx
At our hospital the scans are £3 each. The sonographer asked us how many copies we wanted and he prints them, then you pay at a little machine in the waiting area. All very strange really!! Xx
Reached a mile stone today, 9 wks. No bleeding or major cramps. Trying not to get hopes up tho.

Bad news tho, major UTI. :-( agony

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