***November 2016 Mummies***

I'm just starting to feel a bit better. I'm convinced my nausea is linked to the sleep deprivation. On a day when I've slept well I feel great but if I have a bad night the nausea is horrific. On the plus side ive not vomited for over a week now. 12 weeks tomorrow so I'm hoping I'll continue improving now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel ladies.
Having said that I now worry about lack of symptoms. Can't wait till I can feel bubba move x

I can't wait to feel it either. It's so bizarre as my body is changing, I'm tired pretty quickly but that could also be down to doing very little (my oh won't let me do a thing around the house still!) so when I am doing something I get tired quickly. I'm desperate to know what's happening in there so movements would be such a relief to feel. I'd love to buy a Doppler but know if freak out if I couldn't find the heartbeat. I'm counting down to the 21st now when we have our private gender scan so see him/her again cx
Baby movements are great for relaxing the paranoia although to start with you only feel every other day (or more!) number one I felt at 16 weeks, this one I started feeling last week but that's because I recognise the feelings!

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I'm just starting to feel a bit better. I'm convinced my nausea is linked to the sleep deprivation. On a day when I've slept well I feel great but if I have a bad night the nausea is horrific. On the plus side ive not vomited for over a week now. 12 weeks tomorrow so I'm hoping I'll continue improving now. There is a light at the end of the tunnel ladies.

Having said that I now worry about lack of symptoms. Can't wait till I can feel bubba move x

I can't wait to feel it either. It's so bizarre as my body is changing, I'm tired pretty quickly but that could also be down to doing very little (my oh won't let me do a thing around the house still!) so when I am doing something I get tired quickly. I'm desperate to know what's happening in there so movements would be such a relief to feel. I'd love to buy a Doppler but know if freak out if I couldn't find the heartbeat. I'm counting down to the 21st now when we have our private gender scan so see him/her again cx

My friend gave me her angel care Doppler and it's so hard to find the heartbeat! I can never work out wether it's my own or the baby's! Haha don't buy one till your further on or you'll probably just worry like me! X
i have so much catching up to do on here-i have been really ill with sinusitis for 2 weeks. thankfully anti-biots have cleared it. i have not had to have anti-b's for anything for years!.anyway i am feeling much better now
i have my scan on thurs- i will be 12+6 weeks. we have not told anybody about this preg-its the best kept secret i have ever had!! i am ready though to announce it- its hard to hide my bump now- esp at work -my uniform is bursting at the seams - thankfully i work solo night shifts so i only see people at the beginning and end of my shift+i put my fleece on then.
i am nervous about telling family- - it will be a shock to everyone as we thought we had completed our family. esp with me being 42. i think my MIL will be most shocked and also my mum will prob moan about it being another boy (this will be her 7th grandson - no granddaughters-and my sisters are menopausal now. , i just dont know if people will be thrilled or horrified!! i think a few jaws will hit the floor - but i will give them some space to get their heads round it

i think this little boy has come to me for a reason, tho i dont know what that reason is-i am sure i will know it one day!- he certainly has jumped through hoops to get so far- we were even using condoms, but one must of popped unnoticed!! and i have low level fertility - it took 4 years and lots of heartache and clomid to concieve my last son!!

i am feeling much brighter now i am entering the 2nd tri - my belly is huge but doesnt look like a preg bump yet - has that annoying B shape coz my spare tyre has been pushed upwards. think once uterus is level with belly button it will get the nice round D shape!! i can feel him wriggling maybe once a day and can get heart beat on doppler so all is good so far. i am nervous about neural tube as i was not on folic acid till 5weeks. but i think that cannot be ruled out till 20week scan. plus i am a green tea drinker which can deplete folic acid.

due 11th nov
Actually cant believe there are Nov 2016 mummies - i was a Nov 2015 mummy this time last year!
Any questions please feel free to ask x
Scan day today! Sooooo nervous that baby may have stopped growing. Seen HB at 10 weeks so hopefully I'm worrying for no reason xx

Had an 'early' scan at 11+1 this morning due to bleeding and all is well :) strong heartbeat & growing well! Looking forward to the more extensive scan next Friday


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Thanks Beee!
Thank you Sharcaz! Good luck for your scan! I have my booking appointment on Friday with the midwife as I didn't find out I was pregnant until 2 weeks ago! This pregnancy feels completely different to my first. I Have all the symptoms where as with the first I had nothing till after 12 weeks! Extremely strange!
alouisebx I just noticed your ticker - Just crazy, our babies were born on the exact same day in 2014. My son was 23/04/14! And now we're expecting around the same time again! Bonkers haha Congrats x
I've just had my scan and it went amazing! My due date has changed from 13th to 9th xxx

I don't have a scan date yet. But have my booking appointment on Friday so looking forward to finally meeting my midwife. I'm glad your scan went well Beeee xx
Your midwife will probably arrange your scan at your booking appt :). Thank you! Xxx

I had my scan date through so much quicker last time. Before I'd even had my midwife appointment! I suppose a lot may have changed in 2+ years! Xxx

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