***November 2016 Mummies***

Maybe , we could still see yolk sac on my 10 week 2 d scan on Friday . She said usually visible till 14 weeks
Thanks ladies! And I hope the blob next to the head isn't something attached to the babies head? It had me worried when I noticed on pictures but I never noticed on the scan itself so maybe it's just a part of my womb? The lady scanning me said baby is how it should be but surely she would of mentioned if something was wrong? Haha maybe I'm just paranoid xx

Hi lovely ladies. I'm feeling really fat today and I know I shouldn't be showing yet but my jeans are not fitting and my belly is just really bloated!! Anyone else feel like this ? X
I've been using the hairband trick for the past week with longer tops! Really dislike this inbetween belly stage...

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Yup, I'm with you. Feel huge, fat and bloated. My work uniform is busting at the seams. I'm using the hair band trick too, plus leggings and long loose tops. The sickness has improved slightly but I'm still totally shattered all the time. Scan in 2 weeks, I'm feeling very impatient x
Having a bad day today, no sickness but just unbelievably lethargic and shaky. Had to go back to bed at lunch time.

Diet has gone to pot as well, used to eat so healthy and the past few weeks it's been chips, crisps and donuts!! Gahhh.

So happy to be pregnant but jeez I feel miserable xx
Sooo bloated @ 9 weeks. No way I can wear my normal jeans... I even pulled out my underbump maternity jeans and they are so much more comfortable. Had my booking appointment with midwife today, so starting to feel a bit more real but still almost a month until first scan...
Hi me again. Have any of you had any spotting? I've just wiped myself after having a wee and there is slight pink on the paper? Omg this is what I've been dreading. Do I need to do anything about it yet? Xx
I'd call your EPU and see what they say Meandmygirl.

I cant believe I said my sickness was improving. Just on a run of night and since 4 yesterday afternoon till now ive been as sick as a dog. Not great when I'm trying to work x
I'd call your EPU and see what they say Meandmygirl.

I cant believe I said my sickness was improving. Just on a run of night and since 4 yesterday afternoon till now ive been as sick as a dog. Not great when I'm trying to work x

Thank you. I've found the epu contact and will call at 8am when it opens. I have pains and more red blood :-( I'm losing this baby and know it. I'll keep you updated X
I'm thinking of you meandmygirl and hoping it's just, a little bleed and nothing more. X
Thank you. I've found the epu contact and will call at 8am when it opens. I have pains and more red blood :-( I'm losing this baby and know it. I'll keep you updated X
Thinking of you this morning, keep us updated x
I'd call your EPU and see what they say Meandmygirl.

I cant believe I said my sickness was improving. Just on a run of night and since 4 yesterday afternoon till now ive been as sick as a dog. Not great when I'm trying to work x
My sickness is just before bed. I had nigh time sickness with first born and now again with this one x
Thanks lady's. I feel so sad even though I don't even though anything is wrong yet but the pains feel different to the stretching pains I have had :-( I have dr at 10am and he said on the phone he will refer me to epu for scan today. X
I have had a few occasions of spotting so don't panic. Call your midwife if you're worried.

The hairband trick- place hair band around trouser button, feed through button hole and put the other end around the button!

Had scan today, was put back a week as baby is showing small so currently edd is 8/11/2016 pending a rescan next Friday. Was a mm too small to do down syndrome check but it's good as I get another scan at 13 weeks :)

Meet the back of my baby's head...

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Aww I hope everything is okay for you Meanmygirl ! Any bleeding is terrifying.

Such a clear and adorable scan picture Prettypee!! Also it is in a way a bonus that you get another scan at thirteen weeks aha

I haven't posted in forever due to sickness and a lack of much to contribute but have been reading a lot of your posts anyway. I am 9 weeks and 6 days and my tiredness has dramatically increased, my midwife called to book my first appointment on the 27 th April (I will be 11 weeks) and her call woke me up so I fear I sounded really rude - all I could muster was yeah, okay and thanks - she seemed a bit miffed! The thing is she called at 2 in the afternoon so I shouldn't have been sleeping but I went back to bed after breakfast because my eyes were closing involuntarily :( It is making me feel guilty as I have an exam in May to study for - I study Chemistry at Uni - but I keep sleeping my days away
Did anyone else experience this sudden increase in tiredness?!
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Hi ladies. Well firstly the EPU can't see me till 8am tomorrow so got to just wait and pray for the best outcome! Secondly to goth mummy! I feel exactly the same that the tiredness is getting stronger each day. I work 40 hrs a week and a single mum to a 6 yr old so already knackered but being pregnant on top is wacking me out. I'm in bed by 8pm most nights lol. X

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