***November 2016 Mummies***

I love the tickers! Sorry to hear everyone is feeling sick! So far I have just been feeling sick. Now and again, for now I am just tired and hungry all the time.
Hi ladies thought of join you all. I'm around 7 week mark now, had early scan due to complations - I've spotted daily since I was pregnant :( but baby is well and good strong heartbeat. So glad
Sadly not with babies father and he doesn't seem very supportive so nice to have so many understanding towards early pregnancy.
Wish you all best of luck xx

This is my little one at early scan last week :)


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Hello ladies!! First time out of the "TTC" forum so really really excited!!! And huge congratulations to all you November mummies!!!

I'm 5 weeks today, only found out yesterday and I'm still beaming from ear to ear!! Been to dr today but we move in 2 weeks so I've been told to wait to make an app with a midwife when we move...so I'll be 7-8 weeks when I first see midwife, is that normal/ok??

Not got a due date yet but according to Countdown to Pregnancy Calculator, baby's de 29th November but that will most definitely change :D So happy to be part of this group and look forward to hearing all your stories and sharing our journeys :) xxxxxx
Welcome E44girl and Sharcaz!!!

E44girl you'll get plenty of support here!! Sorry about the baby's father.

Sharcaz some of us have had our booking in appointments early, some around 10 weeks so don't worry!! There is such a range of times in which you can book in across the country so 7-8 weeks is ok xx
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Congrats e44girl - I'm sorry to here it's been tough so far and that the man is being unsupportive - hopefully we can help support you emotionally at least! When's your due date?

Sharcaz congrats! How long have you been ttc? 7-8 weeks is fine booking in should occur 6-8 weeks - I, on the other hand, don't have my booking in until 6th April when I'll be 10 weeks as they couldn't fit me in earlier!! Very frustrated as my 12 week scan is more likely to become a 14 week scan.... I'm so frustrated!! sigh... Hopefully it will all work out and I'll get a scan quicker than usual.... I won't hold my breath though. I want the scan as early as possible so that I can tell family and work! I think I'll show earlier this time and my sickness is difficult to hide. I hate secrets!!

I'll update the front when I get home from work x
Hello everyone!

Got my bfp this morning :-D

Due date approx 28th

So excited, but also so scared that I MC again.

Last time we told everyone which I so regretted when it didn't work out. So this time it's mine and oh little secret (well us and all you guys heehee)

Just wondering, does anyone know if 12 scan dates can be changed/req? My Mil will be 60 around the date of our scan and I'd love to have the pic to give her for her bday.....

So excited to be a November mummy xxx
Hello everyone!

Got my bfp this morning :-D

Due date approx 28th

So excited, but also so scared that I MC again.

Last time we told everyone which I so regretted when it didn't work out. So this time it's mine and oh little secret (well us and all you guys heehee)

Just wondering, does anyone know if 12 scan dates can be changed/req? My Mil will be 60 around the date of our scan and I'd love to have the pic to give her for her bday.....

So excited to be a November mummy xxx

Congratulations!!! We've had 3 losses as well so this one is mine and oh's secret as well :) this is the most I've been pregnant so fingers crossed!!! Just relax and think positive - hope everything works out for you.

I've changed my scan date, purely because the scan was when I would be 13+2 - after the losses, I want my scan as close to 12 weeks as possible! I just called the hospital when I got the date and asked to change which they did xx
Congrats sparkle, sorry about prev loss - I'm sure this one will be perfect!!

12 week scan dates are usually pretty difficult to change (I'm pretty sure you will be unlikely to be able to request either!) the midwife usually sends off for one which usually about 4 weeks before scan date then you get a letter through the post as the hospital will give you the next available scan after your date. You can try and request though and you can try to move it also, clover managed to move hers by inventing a holiday ;)
Congrats sparkle, sorry about prev loss - I'm sure this one will be perfect!!

12 week scan dates are usually pretty difficult to change (I'm pretty sure you will be unlikely to be able to request either!) the midwife usually sends off for one which usually about 4 weeks before scan date then you get a letter through the post as the hospital will give you the next available scan after your date. You can try and request though and you can try to move it also, clover managed to move hers by inventing a holiday ;)

It was me who changed the scan date :)
Hi Girls! !
Sparkles, Sharcaz and E44girl congratulations to you all :D :D so happy to see more November mummies

Let the nausea commence!!!
I'm actually quite pleased as all other symptoms had vanished.
Is that crazy?
I'm also feeling fat and bloated.......another good sign right?
Early scan a week tomorrow to check all ok after car crash, beta hcg rising nicely so I'm not too concerned.
Hope everyone else is doing ok on this lovely Monday :-)
Congratulations Sparkles!!!! :D :D :D we lost our first bfp in january - It's difficult not to worry! I told the dr today about my concerns and he said not to worry about any symptoms unless there's bleeding...so just try your best to keep calm and positive like Miller said :) harder said than done i know....Congratulations again!! xx

Prettypee - thanks! We've been ttc for about a year now and had an mc at 6 weeks in January so really hoping we get past that mark this time! Thanks for reassurance on the midwife...have you thought about having a private scan? You can book from 7 weeks onwards and the price varies from £45! So if you're desperate for a photo for you mil you could always do that? Apparently it's really lovely to have a private scan :) Only what I've heard from others though! I can't wait to tell everyone when we get our scan done!! We're contemplating a private one but not too early as there's not a lot to see :) xx
Sparkles, Sharcaz and E44girl congrats! very nice to see you here!

ill be having my scan on wednesday, very nervous! hope to see a heartbeat but not sure as i will be only 6 weeks.
Sparkles, Sharcaz and E44girl congrats! very nice to see you here!

ill be having my scan on wednesday, very nervous! hope to see a heartbeat but not sure as i will be only 6 weeks.

(Fat fingers thanking you rather than replying - apologies!!)

I had an early scan at 6+2 - could see a heartbeat which was so so lovely!!! They said I was possibly less than 6+2 but obviously very early to say a date. I have a picture of a blurry blob whiche and oh find ourselves beaming at like nutters!! To anyone else, it's nothing, far too blurry to make anything out but to us, we saw that on the screen beating away like a little fighter. I'm having another scan next Tuesday as further reassurance xx
Our blob @ 6+2 :lol: (this is the first time I've shared with anyone!!! X


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Lilalylola - thank you!!

Awww dyou mind me asking howcome you're having such an early scan?? I'd be so so excited if I were you too!!

Miller that picture is gorgeous!!! I bet you were beaming when you got it! It's proof little one's in there! I don't know about everyone else but all I've had is cramps and very very slight nausea...I don't feel pregnant at all! I need photographic evidence and if thats just a tiny little blob that'll do me fine! :D xx
Lilalylola - thank you!!

Awww dyou mind me asking howcome you're having such an early scan?? I'd be so so excited if I were you too!!

Miller that picture is gorgeous!!! I bet you were beaming when you got it! It's proof little one's in there! I don't know about everyone else but all I've had is cramps and very very slight nausea...I don't feel pregnant at all! I need photographic evidence and if thats just a tiny little blob that'll do me fine! :D xx

I was like a Cheshire Cat, as was oh!! My symptoms are waking with a banging headache and a bit of nausea, been sick a couple of times, very sore boobs and wanting to eat on the hour every hour! I'm going to be the size of a house but I'm eating lots of fruit and veg x

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