***November 2016 Mummies***

Thanks everyone. I'll keep you posted but don't want to ruin the happy vibe for anyone else xx
Well I've woke up every morning in the last few weeks with a headache and feeling sick, but a cuppa tea has soon sorted that. Different story this morning!!! I suddenly doubled over the the kitchen and dry heaved (sorry) - had to run to the loo to be sick!! And my cuppa tea tastes vile. Let's see what today brings now haha!!

Hope everyone is ok this morning - been thinking of schell all night Xx
Hi Girls

I've also been thinking of schell, hope your ok sweetie we are all here for you

Mrsmiller oh the joys of morning sickness, I feel ok at the moment but I'm only 5+4 so Im sure I will feel worse soon ...I am still in shock and overjoyed by the feeling of being pregnant. ..I promised myself while TTC that I would never complain of feeling crap once I got my Bfp...well see haha :D

How are you feeling Tootie?


Hi Girls

I've also been thinking of schell, hope your ok sweetie we are all here for you

Mrsmiller oh the joys of morning sickness, I feel ok at the moment but I'm only 5+4 so Im sure I will feel worse soon ...I am still in shock and overjoyed by the feeling of being pregnant. ..I promised myself while TTC that I would never complain of feeling crap once I got my Bfp...well see haha :D

How are you feeling Tootie?



My oh said this morning he's amazed that I'm laughing my way through various symptoms rather than complaining. I've said I'll never ever complain about feeling rough because we want this so much X
I am in complete agreement with you both I do not complain once when I feel exhausted or when I have a wave of nausea. I have sore boobies but nothing will get in my way of feeling so completely grateful for being pregnant x

I worry that I don't really have that many symptoms but my tests are still coming out really strong and lines are popping up before the test is even complete. That cheap test I did where I was worried the line wasn't as dark was a one off. Stupid cheap chemist test.

6w tomorrow. I am totally wishing these 12weeks away x
My tests are the same Tootie, I keep testing just to see the lines! I know I should stop but after Bfns for so long seeing a Bfp is such an amazing experience! :)

It's a bit quiet on here is everyone ok?

Hi Ladies, I'm 5 weeks today and still feeling completely overwhelmed and a little anxious about something going wrong. My only symptom is sore boobs and feel quite tired late afternoon. Like you ladies, we have waited so long I don't want to moan so just trying to get on with things and keep my fingers crossed. The days / weeks are dragging, roll on 12 weeks :-)

Hope you are all well.
Hi Ladies, I'm 5 weeks today and still feeling completely overwhelmed and a little anxious about something going wrong. My only symptom is sore boobs and feel quite tired late afternoon. Like you ladies, we have waited so long I don't want to moan so just trying to get on with things and keep my fingers crossed. The days / weeks are dragging, roll on 12 weeks :-)

Hope you are all well.

I've been using rescue remedy spray which has helped with my anxiety. I've only really had sore boobs, the need to eat anything in sight and a bit of nausea until today when sickness has kicked in. Not stopped me eating though!!! Just take it easy and relax as much as possible xx
Millersmissus I'm from Chesterfield, not too far! X

Our little group is steadily growing, hi ttc1985! X
I'm from Dewsbury w Yorkshire so not too far from Sheffield and Chesterfield :)

Ah big up the yorkshire(with a bit of derbyshire) massive! Lol x
Im from Sussex. Thanks for the tip re: rescue remedy, I might just give it a try! :-) x
Well I've told my daughter tonight. ..it just slipped out , she's so happy, and I told her it's the size of a chocolate chip (I have a app on my phone that tells me that's how big it is today ) so she's nicknamed it chocolate chip :)

I'm from Essex -

hope everyone is feeling well- I've struggled with the sickness and tiredness. It is harder this time as I have to just get on with it to look after daughter, dogs and husband! Last time I could get I from work and go straight to bed or just laze in front of the telly! Trying hard not to moan but I must admit at times I've been pushed past my limit! I'm just wishing the next 5 - 6 weeks fly by!! Lots of birthdays and parties in the next 4 weeks I need to get through first!

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