Not too happy with private doc...

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls.

I called my private doc to ask about upping my clomid dose, and this is the second time ivf has been mentioned, he said that 100mg is a very high dose and a much safer thing to do would be to have ivf! I'm not being funny but ivf might be an everyday occourance for him but i'm not going to put myself through ivf and pay 5 grand for it just because it's safer than clomid!!

Ivf uses drugs in exactly the same way to stimulate the ovarys as clomid so what's the difference??

He offered me ivf the first time I asked for clomid saying if I wanted to be pregnant quickly ivf is the most reliable way.

I'm not to happy to be honest, yeah if I'm still here in a few months then I'll consider it but what I feel I should be offered is further testing, surely that should all be done before ivf would be considered??

I feel a bit like they're trying to sell it to me...

I feel upset as I'm so grateful he diagnosed and treated me so well, and I do like him as well, I don't want to feel like I don't like him/don't trust him as then I'm starting to worry that having my op was the best move-not good...

Hmmm Maybe , it seems he might be tryin to make a fast buck.
You know some women go upto 150mg dose!
I would say you are not inclined to try IVF until all other options and routes are explored x
Well on the NHS as well they seem to be reluctant to up my dose of clomid too. I was on 100mg and it didnt work . Had been told i would get the upped dose of clomidof 150mg then thèy changed their mind. I now instead have to try letrozole then wait 2 blooming years for IUI. Strange? Is you clomid not working though Maybe at 50mg thought you regularly ovulate no?
It sounds like they might be going on the big sell maybe, I don't understand why you can't try a higher dose? I know you had bad NHS experience in the past but do you think it's worth going down that route again? They might offer iui first? Xxx
Hi girls,

Well really if I didn't get preggo on 50mg the next step would be to up the dose anyway??

Thousands of women are on 100mg so I don't see a problem tbh.

I'm going to chat to my gp and see where I stand as I'm nearing the 2 year mark, I might get transferred to st marys, no harm in an appointment to see what they say??

Although I do want to up the dose I do wonder if clomid is any good, how many clomid BFPs have we had??

I'm a clomid BFP example! Don't know who else, but hubby's sperm count was pretty low, so I'm convinced that the clomid gave us our bfp (increasing ewcm, making my hormones extra perceptible etc).

It really sounds like they're trying to sell you a package of ivf. Talk to you gp and see what he says!
Hope it sorts out!

maybe, since you had your procedure i thought it was just a case of waiting for your bfp now, nothing else wrong?! if so, its hopefully just a matter of time? i'm really shocked he tried to sell you ivf! i'd be very annoyed!! xxxx
I think he wants to get you pregnant as quickly as possible and ivf he believes would be quickest.

Personally I would try a higher clomid dose before putting yourself through ivf. I didn't respond on 50 or 100mg wasn't until I tried 150mg that it worked.

Have a chat with your gp hun and see what they say xxx
Hi Maybe,

I think that if you want to try a higher dose on Clomid then you should do that. Did he refuse to give you a higher dose? I think you have to go with your heart and being on forums like this and getting the advice from all the girls here you almost know as much as some of the Doctors you see.

I don't really know much about clomid I am afraid, but I do wonder sometimes whether the private clinic we are seeing are giving us the best advice. On our first consultation they recomended mild IVF. Obviously I know that everyones sitation is different (hubby an I have unexplained infertility so far) but I was surpirsed that they did not say for example try IUI. When I asked her why this was she said that IUI has a low success rate and the success rate for IVF is higher. The costs of IVF for us is just under £5,000 which is of course a lot of money. Also I was unsure about injecting myself and having the treatment when technically there is nothing wrong with either of us. I was worried about over stimulating my ovaries when I know I ovulate ect etc. We have also started the NHS route now and we did not have to wait that long for an appointment at all and we have heard that the waiting list is not too bad. I don't know what you have had done so far (I note you have had an operation) but have you been referred yet on the NHS? The girls i know at the same NHS hospital (who have ovulation issues) all go through the clomid route before they refer you to IVF. So far I am impressed with the Doctor I have been seeing, we are just waiting to see what the waiting lists are.

Thought I would just share my private/Nhs story with you and also worry that we have only been given IVF on private route as an option... that, or keep on trying!

Love Gizzy xxxx
Maybe i wouldnt frett, you ARE ovulating on 50mg Clomid and its regulating you, so i dont see why it would need to be upped, as your only gonna produce more eggs and risk multiples. I thought it was only upped to 100 + 150 when ovulation didnt occur?? (Please dont think im being negative, i just sounds to me like your getting hung up on 100mg working better when you are already ovulating)

Havent you only had 2 cycles so far? I'd wait till your 6th cycle before you consider further treatment like the IVF.

I had 5 cycles on 50mg and was left on 50mg because i was ovulating, yes im not pregnant, but Clomid doesnt work for everyone.

Keep your chin up hun, but i agree with speaking to your GP, or even getting a 2nd private opinion.

:hug: xxx
Maybe, you're not like the thousands of women who are on 100mg of clomid... they aren't ovulating and you are.

Your ovaries are fine, you are ovulating and your cycles are fine. I never understood you going on clomid at all :oooo:

All clomid is going to do for you in terms of getting pregnant is increase how many eggs you are producing and it really won't help you. Either you won't get pregnant or you will do with several embryos.

The reason IVF is safer is because the number of embryos is controlled, that's the only reason.

In IVF you'll get your several embryos but instead of them all growing at once, you'll have a couple in and a few in the freezer :)

You either trust your doctor or you don't and trust is based on doing what will get you what you want in the safest possible way and that is exactly what he is offering with IVF, not him doing what you can bully him into ;)

He would be a very irresponsible doctor indeed to give you 100mg of clomid. You need to keep things in context of you having a healthy pregnancy and the babies being healthy too.

I'm not trying to sell you IVF either and if you are working on the basis that your septum was your issue and now it's gone - you've only been ttc for a few months. Please don't be upset :hug:

What further tests do you want him to offer you? xx
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Hi Ladies

Im back and just catching up with posts!! Maybe - firstly I hope you have a nice Christmas etc and are enjoying your little puppy!

I completely agree with Louise here. Think about the risks of clomid firstly, its not entirely risk free and putting more of a foreign being into your body when you don't need to will only put you in potential danger. Also remember clomid is not a fertility drug - it technically doesn't make you more fertile, it helps you to ovulate. Which is why the amount of pregnancies on clomid is low - it is not a drug to make you get pregnant.

As for the IVF, I really don't know, but I certainly don't think your doc is trying to make a fast buck - he knows you want to get pregnant quickly, and that's most likely the fastest and safest (instead of multiple embryo's) the others have said I'd prob stick a few months with the clomid as you haven't been on it long. I assume your hubby has had all the relevant tests etc?

As everyone has said go with what you trust, if you don't think your doc is right then get another opinion - you are paying enough after all!

Hi Girls,

Thanks for sharing your opinions I'm sticking with the 50mg for one last month and then going au natural from the next month.

TBH I don't care if I was to get a multiple pregnancy, I'll be happy not to have to TTC again! :pompom:

If I'm not preggo by April and my 30th birthday I will consider IVF for sure.

Lou what do you have to have test wise before IVF? I reckon I've had most of it...

I agree that my doc was being sensible, it's a friend doing 2 months on 50mg, not getting pregnant upping to 100 and getting pregnant that had got this idea in my head, I always like to do something different each month too so upping would have made me feel like I was doing something.

Do any of you not even consider doing something like this, Lou you did the turkey baster thing... remember I'm nearing the 2 year mark soon so am not far off trying anything!!:shock:

Hope you're all well anyway, I'll have to catch up properly in a bit as I need to get tea on!

Well to top all the drama off my bloody prescription that was meant to arrive Thursday that I chased and was meant to come first class didn't even arrive on Friday and the clinic knew I'd already taken what clomid ( 2 tabs as my prescription said days 2-4 by mistake) so I'm absolutely fuming with them because as far as they are concerned my cycle is ruined as I only had 2 tablets!! This month!

Luckily my friend gave me 3 of hers on Friday night so I'm back on track but I'm not bloody happy with the clinic!! A whole cycle would be wasted if it wasn't for my friend!:wall2:

That is really naughty of your clinic, especially as you are paying privately!! Thank god for your friend!!
I was a bit cheeky with my clomid , on my 3rd cycle I said I had run out so I got an extra prescription as back up, I plan on getting another prescription when I go for my post op appt as well, figured I may as well stock up while I can.

I am feeling loads better, managed some sexy time with hubby yesterday, the only pain was when I rubbed my stitches but otherwise all good.

Am doing my opks on CD12 at the moment so really hoping I get a positive next week .... fingers crossed!!
Naughty naughty!! You could also say you lost it too!

Fx you see a nice opk soon and fx you get that BFP! :)

Heres hoping for a good 2012 for us both xxx

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