Not sure whats going on!!


Apr 23, 2012
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I'm very new to forums and I'm in need of advice, or at least a glimpse at other experiences

I was on the pill (cilest) for 4 years and stopped taking it a month ago. I usually head to the doctors about a month before my pill year is up, but I didnt get chance. But I decided then to give myself a break from it, due to some symptoms I've been experiencing.

About 2-3 months ago I was experiences extreme tiredness (worn off now) but I would be needing a nap for a bout 2-3 hours a day, but still sleeping pretty well at night.

In the last 2-3 months I have gone up a few sizes in clothes, but the weight gain is not like previous weight gain I've experienced. Usually if I gain weight it's very even ~ arms and legs become thicker, still keep waist etc. this time is completely different.

My bra size has gone from a 32C to a 32/34(depending on time of day) to a DD cup, (possibly E) I have never been bigger than a C cup no matter how much weight has been gain previously. My weight is located to my hips and lower abdomen (a little bit to the higher abdomen, depending on what I have eaten)

I feel nauseous in the mornings, but never sick. I have never been a break fast person, but have felt the need to eat cereal most mornings, I can no longer drink tea as it upsets my tum, I have developed a short regular burst of hiccups after most evening meals, not every day but most days.

I've had lower abdomenal twinges, like pulling or pinching of the skin, and increase in wind :oops: and my bowels have either been really loose or I've been constipated. (TMI, sorry) I get little flutters, but it's completely different to the feeling I get with gas etc, I can really tell the difference.

These symptoms started while I was still taking the pill, and it's the first time I'd had most of them, especially the boobs!!

I know that a few of these symptoms can be cause coming off the pill too, but as I was still taking it with a lot I know thats not the case.

I still had periods, and was due on yesterday and have a light pink discharge this morning, so it looks like I my get one. However, periods throughout pregnancy is not uncommon in my family, my nan had it with a few of hers, a long with some of my aunties.

I'm wondering what you guys think it could be... Sometimes I really think I am, and other times I think I'm not. I know that if I am, I will be around 10 weeks.

Thanks x
Think it would be best to just do a test, then you will know :)

Good luck x
u realy should take a test and see how that goes n then if that is neg pop along to see ur gp a blood test will say 100% if ur preg or not xx
I was on the pill with my first 2 pregnancies and got all the symptoms.

I would say, take a test and see what it says but it sounds to me like you could be tbh.

Good luck
Thanks, I'm planning on taking one this Thursday! If I don't forget that is as my memory has become terrible too! Bit nervous as it isn't planned or anything, but if I am then I'll still be happy enough.

I just wanted to know if its happened to someone else in a similar way. Thanks :) x
I went 10 weeks without having a clue that I was pregnant so it isn't unheard of.

Good luck x
Took a test this morning! Was invalid!! Typical!

Have started my period, but I don't have normal cramping. Its very light very low down cramping, not like my normal cramps. I still feel nauseous, but food isn't a problem (usually is when I come on) however, its completely unlike a miscarriage. I had one a few years ago and that was v. Painful and smelt strong. This doesn't even have 'normal, period smell. It sort of feels like it should be heavy with very few of the symptoms, but this is my first proper period since stopping the pill.

I'll buy another test and possibly take it when I stop bleeding! Confusing or what!!
do another test hun.. when i was nervous i had 4 invalid- and 2 were the digitals- NOT CHEAP lol.. so you prob just wee'd on the t+c window...

Good luck hun, keep us posted xxx
Not done another test yet, not had a chance... but will do this weekend I think. I was waiting for AF to finish, but I have been so light today (only second day too) that it should be gone V. soon.

AF hasn't been like before, a little cramping yesterday but v. light and today has been lighter still, bit like my last day or something.. I was 2 days late and usually it would last about 6-7 days with at least 3 very heavy days...

Also, I've not long had a bath, and my lower ab was going mad... nothing visible, but I could just feel lots of movement. If I raised my body up it gradually stopped, but as soon as I was back in the water it started again.. This has happened the past 2-3 times but never had it before..

Anyway, thanks for listening.. and I'll keep you posted. Just thought if anyone else had a similar 'bathtime' experience, it would be great to hear :)
How can you resist going out and getting another test!
nerves?! LOL I dunno. I suppose there's a lot to get my head round etc.

I live in a small town too which puts me off to a certain extent.

I know if I go buy one I'll probably bump into someone I know, they'll ask Q's etc, and someone will know something about me, when I'm not ready for them to.. if that makes sense...?? People are very nosy and gossipy where I live, secrets are few and far between. LOL.

If I am preg, then I want to have a scan before I tell anyone (except on here) haha.. so I can enjoy my baby all to myself. I know it prob sounds mad, but its pretty much how I've always wanted it to be LOL

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