not sure what to think after my early scan!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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so had my early scan this morning i thought i was 8 weeks they said am only 6. we saw baby and it has a heartbeat but she said it wasnt very fast. we could see it moving r selfs on screen which was amazing but am so worried now cos she said its wasnt very fast. she didnt tell me how fast it was or what it should be she did say that it might be cos norm the heartbeat only starts between 5+6 weeks so she said it might only just be getting going. got to go for another scan on 5 april. am just so scared now has anyone else had this and was everything ok. sorry for the long post xxxxx
how come you had an early scan hun? did you have a problem or did you pay for a private one? xx
I had an early scan at 6+5 weeks from LMP and she said fetal pole measured 4mm so approx. 6+4 weeks at that time. We also saw a heartbeat and she told us it was a good strong heartbeat. We weren't asked back for another scan and just said I would have my other scans under my antenatal plan now.

Sorry I'm not much help, not experienced that before. When was your LMP? Do you know when you ov'd?
i have had 3 mc so they wanted to scan me early x
my lmp was 26 jan so by that i would be 8 weeks but i guess i know they say your not pregnant for the first 2 weeks so i guess that would make be 6 weeks so that would prob be right i think so bloody confusing. its more thay she said heartbeat was a bit slow thats worring me xx
I think generally if it's under 90bpm then they don't usually expect the pregnancy to continue. Maybe you dates are just out slightly because you ovulated late and baby isn't as far along as first thought. I hope so honey, fingers crossed for your next scan xxxx
she didnt say what it was they didnt seem to worried but am worried at least baby was there suppose and we saw heartbeat cos never have done with any of mu other pregnancys x
If they don't seem worried honey then I wouldn't worry too much either. It could be that the heart had only just started beating that day or day before as sometimes when it's very early it can be a little slower. I've got everything crossed for you xxxx
Hope everything turns out ok for you Hun xx
I am sure everything will be fine hon - but I can understand your concerns. They dont sound worried so try to relax and look forward to your next scan. I had an early scan due to previous mc and they told me i was not as far gone as we had thought (only 6 weeks and 3 days - we thought 8 weeks) Because we saw the heartbeat we dont get another scan until 20 weeks!!!! Hmppph! Having said that - 4 weeks have nearly passed since then so hopefully it wont drag.

Keep us posted and try your best relax x
I'm sorry I really have no idea, but I just really wanted to give you a big hug :hugs: I have everything crossed for you xxx
so had my early scan this morning i thought i was 8 weeks they said am only 6. we saw baby and it has a heartbeat but she said it wasnt very fast. we could see it moving r selfs on screen which was amazing but am so worried now cos she said its wasnt very fast. she didnt tell me how fast it was or what it should be she did say that it might be cos norm the heartbeat only starts between 5+6 weeks so she said it might only just be getting going. got to go for another scan on 5 april. am just so scared now has anyone else had this and was everything ok. sorry for the long post xxxxx

I've had two early scans hun, the first one I though I was seven weeks, and when I got there, we could just see the heartbeat, but baby was too small to even take a suitable measurement (which meant under 6 weeks) I went back 2 weeks later, and there was bean, measuring 8 weeks exactly, good heartbeat x My cycles were 40 days long, LMP 18th of dec, so It can happen, just depends when you OV'd xx
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Hello hun, just wanted to say try not to worry (easier said than done I know) when I had my early scan, going by my lmp I should have been 10 weeks on the dot but they said I was 9 which I couldn't work out!? As for babys hb being slower could be as lots of comments have said that ur baby is just getting going (because ur earlier than you thought!) You have you scan soon hopefully that will ease your mind a bit xx
Sorry to hear this Hun. I had exact same experience a week and a bit ago. I have to go back on Thursday to see if my baby is still growing. Difference with me is that they were worried so I'm not expecting a positive outcome. I hope it is a simple case of your bean is a little smaller than expected and it's just getting going. :hug:
I am really sorry you are going through this. In my case they couldnt see a hb at 6 weeks, all they could see was a yolk sac, at 8 weeks thought there is was with a strong hb.
Hoping for the positive outcome for you.
had a similar experience myself this last week. they said not to worry could just have caught at the end of my cycle and had repeat scan and all is fine. try ot to worry too much know its hard and sure its just bean little heart getting going. will keep everything crossed for u xx
Hayels, all will be fine this time, they didn't sound worried, and you get another scan to see baby again and check on them. Great you saw the HB beating - I have every single thing of me crossed for you. XX

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