Not sure what is happening...


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2012
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I don't know if this is in the right place, I just guessed as I am still technically breastfeeding....

I started expressing my milk on Monday as I had really sore boobs due to lo being a bit rough with them. At the time I was also having oversupply problems, so was able to get about 4-6oz from each breast at a time. I've kept on expressing as it just makes life a bit easier as it means my oh can feed him. I'd like to keep expressing.... but my supply seems to have dwindled to nothing. Now I'm lucky if I get 4oz in total from both breasts.

Does anyone have any idea why this might be? If anything, my demand should have got higher as lo is starting to take more at each feed and so I need to express more often. And can anyone give me any ideas how to improve my supply?
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How old is your lo Hun? You get to a point where your body just produces what it needs for your lo so you would need to start pumping more after a feed for example to increase your supply again x
He is just over a month old now. I am pumping after every feed at the moment, but I don't think it's enough. He weighs just over 10lbs as well, so after 4oz he is still hungry. And I want to be able to store milk, but I'm only expressing just enough to feed him, so it kind of defeats the object of me expressing.

I really don't want to go to formula unless I really have to. Got nothing against it, it's just so bloody expensive to buy!
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A little trick - when expressing once your milk has stopped keep pumping for another 5-10 minutes. It tricks your body into thinking more milk is needed so it starts to supply more. It may take a little while for it to happen but you should start to get a second let down.
Remember you can mix milk from different times of the day as long as its within 24 hours. So even if you only get half an ounce after each express spare, if you pump 6 times in a day that's 3 ounces in your storage x
I didn't know that. I'll give that a go next time I express. Thank you :)

Its weird, I was going from having at least one full bottle at a time, and now I can barely fill a bottle!
Are you just expressing, or are you bfing also?
I was just expressing, as I had really cracked nipples, so I needed to give them a break. But I've put him back on the boob as I can't express enough. But already my nipples are sore again :-(
Tbh, I didn't know they existed until the other day! So I might get some and try them out. Is lanisoh a cream? I have a nipple cream that I got from mothercare, and it helps, but it isn't great.
Yeah it's a cream but the only one worth using is lanisoh and you have to use it liberally and often x


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Have you got a good latch, in the correct position? Is it still hurting? Have you got any breast feeding support groups near you?

Sorry questions. xx

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