

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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My supply has near dried up due to being ill at the weekend and DS has been refusing to feed. I've been expressing but not getting much off at all (I've always been quite lucky with expressing in the past) but am lucky to get 4-5oz off over a day and 5 expressing sessions.

I'm going to ask the doctor for domperidone tomorrow as I don't want DS to be on fulltime formula (his sister got really bad excema after I stopped breastfeeding her), any idea how long it will take and what sort of improvement in my supply I will see?
I'm sorry I don't have any advice Kina, but I just wanted to reply and say that I'm so sorry this has happened to you - I know from previous posts you were distressed after you had to stop feeding DD when she was a similar age due to your next pregnancy.

To get your supply up, I would look into something like Mother's Milk Tea or Fenugreek (available from Holland & Barratt instore or online) and also crucically ensure you are getting enough sleep, to drink (lots of water) and eating plenty including lots of fruit and veg.

Is DS a big old for bedding in with him for 24 hours (and I guess this isn't possible if you have a 2 year old too?) to really boost your supply?

I hope this helps - please let us know how you get on, I'm thinking of you.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks Valentine :hug: You're right I was absolutely gutted when I had to stop bf Ella, at the same age, for this to happen now is a nightmare!

Got the domp but am tripling/quadrupling the dose I've been told to take as I'm desperate to get it up ASAP. Have taken 70mg so far, (was prescribed 10mg to take 3 x a day for a month, but having read on the net you can safely take 40mg 3 x a day so I am aiming for that.

Because DS wont feed in the day (which could be due to the ear infection he's got that was diagnosed today), I can't bed in. If I knew he would then I'd get someone to look after DD and would love the chance to sit down with food, films and just let him feed. He did latch on in the night which felt so good (in a non pervy way!) because I thought we'd lost it forever!

I know that some people wont understand why I don't just put him on the bottle now because he's 10 months old, but I was determined to see this through until he weaned off of having breastmilk naturally when he was a toddler. At the moment he still needs milk and I want him to have it from me, especially considering the health benefits. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have him weaned off of formula and will be either expressing enough for him to have EBM three times a day and 1 bottle of formula at night or because my supply is up he'll feed off the boob happily in the day.

I'm going to get some fenugreek as well (doc said I might as well) and also forget weight watchers for a few days and stock up on some porridge oats.

Fingers crossed :pray:
Hey Kina,

Good to hear from you. It sounds like you are super organised with getting your supply up, being proactive and I really hope it all works for you. If you can't get to H&B, I've got a spare bottle (sealed) of Fenugreek here I am happy to send you if you PM me your address? I can get in the post first class tonight.

Maybe DS will be willing to bed in in a few days once he's over his infection, poor thing - is he on antibiotics?

Kina said:
I know that some people wont understand why I don't just put him on the bottle now because he's 10 months old, but I was determined to see this through until he weaned off of having breastmilk naturally when he was a toddler. At the moment he still needs milk and I want him to have it from me, especially considering the health benefits.

I feel exactly the same Kina - you wouldn't believe how many people are expecting me to 'give up' at 6 months (in a couple of weeks) - I'm like why? Its there, its free and I don't have to faff about with bottles, result! I want DD to wean herself (she's an Ella too!) naturally when she's ready so I understand how you feel.

Good luck and keep us posted hon,

Valentine Xxx
Yes he's on antibiotics - amoxicyllin (sp). He's not too fond of it though (who can blame him really, I mean it's almost neon yellow!) so it's something else he has to be pinned down for on top of his inhalers and calpol.

I'd be more than happy to buy the fenugreek from you, it would save me walking into town with the kids, to get to H&B is a 4 mile round trip and I'm shattered at the mo, so you'd be doing me a huge favour by letting me buy it off you! I'll pm you :)

I feel exactly the same Kina - you wouldn't believe how many people are expecting me to 'give up' at 6 months (in a couple of weeks) - I'm like why? Its there, its free and I don't have to faff about with bottles, result! I want DD to wean herself (she's an Ella too!) naturally when she's ready so I understand how you feel.

I hope your Ella isn't as much of a madam as mine! :rotfl: It does annoy me when people ask if I'm still breastfeeding or how long I'm going to do it for, my sister was 'talking' to Alex the other day and told him that he was too old for bitty now!! But then I come from a family that have bottlefed so I've never been able to rely on them for understanding and support over breastfeeding probs, thankfully I've met some really helpful people over the net. Places like this forum are pretty invaluable when you've noone offline to talk to.
You have done really well with breastfeeding your DD, I can't believe she's nearly 6 months already :shock:
Although breastfeeding can be demanding, I've found making formula and then trying to cool it down for DS such a pain compared to popping out my boob and away we go!
Oh, Kina! You are so determined! :hug: Make sure you insisit to your GP to give you drugs! I went about 2 weeks ago and asked for drugs! I he just said "put him more to your breast" and refused me to give them! And, Daniel was on boobs all the time, I couldnt see how I could have done more, and, I had a virus, a really bad cold...Anyways, my milk supply went very low (fenugreek and breastfeeding tea didnt help anymore) and I didnt have blo*y drugs I have asked for a week before (cos I knew I needed them), Daniel again played up, that he preferred bottle. And, cos he couldnt get anything out of my boobs, he was very confused and now, again as soon as he sees a boob, he starts screaming! :cry: I havent had any nerves left to start all over again :( And I am really gutted. But, guess that is it for me :( I hope it will get better for you :hug: :pray: Just make sure, if you feel you need the drugs, your GP gives them to you!
I'm lucky Carina because the doctor I saw today is really nice and gave it to me without any issues. I think I've taken too much though as I'm feeling quite nauseous, so I'll calm down on it now!!
I know that you really struggled with breastfeeding your little man but you battled through a lot with little support from the medical profession. I hope you're proud of how you did and I really understand how awful it is to have a baby that wont feed and a low supply when you're desperate to get them on the boob, it's soul destroying!
I am proud of what I have done, but it doesnt make me less sad that I had to stop :cry: Hope next time it will be better! :) Good luck to you, hun :hug:
Kina said:
It does annoy me when people ask if I'm still breastfeeding or how long I'm going to do it for

Me too - they only ask 'cos they are interested I think in my case, but I just don't understand why I would stop now. I was never one of those people who just wanted to breastfeed for 6 or 12 weeks, I want to breastfeed until DD wants to stop (within reason - I won't have my boob popping through the school gate!).

I'm lucky in that both my Mum and my partner's Mum breastfed all their children and feel quite passionately about it, but I do get a lot of questions from other mums at baby group etc. I really don't think its anyone else's business unless I choose to discuss it with them.
Valentine Xxx
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: He had a boobie feed this afternoon :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Am soooooo chuffed as it has been a long time since he fed in the day (well it seems it!), he didn't even bite me :dance:
Kina said:
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: He had a boobie feed this afternoon :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Am soooooo chuffed as it has been a long time since he fed in the day (well it seems it!), he didn't even bite me :dance:

That's fantastic news Kina - woo hoo! Off to the post office now - let me know when you receive it!

Valentine Xxx
Having some strange side effects from the domp, think it must be because I'm taking a lot. Have got loads of sore hard acne spots coming up and started bleeding yesterday and am heavier today (but not due on yet). I guess it must interfere slightly with your hormones? Am also really lethargic. Could all just be coincidence though I guess!

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