not sure if this is the right place - sorry if anyone is ofended by where I've posted


Jan 2, 2010
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Copy from newbies folder, but was unsure where it was better suited

Hey everyone, not too sure where to post this but I thought here might be the right place, sorry if it offends anyone it being here.

Well, here goes, af was late so I took a test, it was negative. Couple of weeks later still no af. Eventually around 5 weeks late I had very painful cramps and passed lots of little clots and a very large one. I don't know whether this means that I had been pregnant and lost it or what has happened.

Wasn't trying to get pregnant (as much as I would love to),as my relationship (if you can even call it that) is all over the place, but I feel quite upset at what may have been and that I may have had a loss. I don't know what I'm looking for here maye just opinions, maybe I just needed to share with someone I'm really not sure. But thanks for taking the time to read. xxx
Not sure really hun, sounds very upsetting though. I'm sure someone with more experience than me will be able to answer your question. I wouldn't think you'd offend anyone, if it's worrying you it's best to get it off your chest. TTC is very confusing at time, when I started I just thought it would happen simply but alas, that's not always the case.
So sorry, what a confusing time for you x

Must be hard not knowing. Many years back, I got a positive test so presumed i was preg. A few days later when I went to the docs, they told me I wasn't pregnat and that the 'baby' had just dissolved inside me - there was no blood/cramping or anything. I didn't know what to think. Never tell anybody this btw.
I've never considered myself to have had a m/c as such as I didn't ever know for sure that I was pregnant and it was all such a blur. But it was really confusing and something i had to get my head round.

HOpe you get some answers x
Hun! Big hugs. So sorry u had to go through this. I had a similar experience but I knew I was 5 weeks pregnant.
I guess for u the worse part is not knowing. All I can say is that its better to talk about stuff than to let it all build up. I found talking on here and seeing a counsellor has helped me since mc, I am a long way off being ok but u have to cry when u need to cry and in a way it's a breavement of what could have been.
Thank you everyone for listening and you support and advice, I don't feel as if I'm being so silly now missing something that wasn't planned and may not even have been xx
Sorry youv'e had a rough time with this, I lost one at 11 weeks via a missed MC so understand this is a tricky time for you and very upsetting.

Have you done a pregnancy test since , if a MC your hormone levels could be elevated for a few weeks, and have you been to see the docs to dicuss, I would recomened it as they may want to check you out X

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