closed womb?? not sure if right place - updated


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Sorry if ive posted this in the wrong section, but i thought some people might have more of an answer in this section.

OH's sister is pregnant, she thinks about 10 weeks.

she hasn't had a scan yet, but boxing day she started with some bleeding, and it carried it on to the next day.

she went to the hospital last night, but they couldnt scan her, so they examined her instead.. they think the bleeding is coming from a polyp on her cervix, and they've took some blood tests to check her hormone levels (no results yet), but the doctor also said that her womb is closed??
does anyone know what this means, could it mean that the pregnancy is ectopic?

the hospital are getting back in touch with her today to arrange a scan.

Hiya hun, the womb closed basically means that it has not opened up to release everything (miscarriage) which is a good sign at the moment. Obviously the only way to find out for certain what is going on is the scan & blood test results.

If you want me to explain in more detail give me a shout on msn ;)
Good luck to your sister, hope all is ok with scan etc :pray: xx
To me that sounds good actually..I don't know if it works in the same way as the cervix, but whenever I went up to the hosptial to be examined after fearing I'd lost some of my waters they told me everything was closed, which is a good thing. It sounds very positive if they have found the cause of the bleeding..a polyp is nothing to do with pregnancy, and I wouldn't have thought it would have any affect on baby, but it sounds like they just want to be extra careful by scanning her aswell. I hope everything works out okay for her :hug:
update -

she went for an emergency scan but unfortunately shes lost her baby :(

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