im not sure where to post this


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I had my m/c on the 19th jan and i bled till 30th jan and stopped i hadnt bled for over a week till today, so my question is do you think it could be my AF (got AF type cramps yesterday) or my body still clearing itself out?
sorry to sound dumb and sorry if it dont make sense
cheers to anyone who replys


Sorry for your loss :hug:

That is exactly what happened to me, i m/c on 31.12.07 and bled for 1 week, some days heavier than others, then it just stopped.

I then started bleeding again really heavy on the 12th Jan which lasted for 5 days. I could only guess that this was my period, had no idea at the time if it really was or not.

Anyway, i tested with my OPK's every day after that for the next 2 weeks and 14 days later i had a + OPK.

So i guess that confirms it was my period.

So this could poss well be your period now.

Sorry if i've been a bit confusing, i'm not good at explaining stuff.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
WOW...its hard to know, I am wondering too myself when my period will come back.

I hope it is your period, and thats your body getting back to normal hun :hug:
Its very strange how our bodies all react differently, as for some strange reason i havent bled at all since my manual vacuum aspiration 2 days ago,(apart from a small amound of dried blood) i kind of wish i would as thats what i expected to happen. I hope all our cycles get back to normal soon. xx
it may be we all have different cycles i bleed on and and off for about a week maybe little more and i then got my proper af bout 3 weeks later, so in total about a month maybe little more after.

it really does vary hun it may well be, hope your ok, thinking of you :hug: :hug:
Thanx everyone
Ok, so it deffo was not AF, because it was really light and only lasted a few hours and stopped and ive had no bleeding since. now im confused :?
so it was probley just my body still trying to get back to normal
sorry for going on

Hope you get your AF soon and your body gets back to normal :hug: :hug:
well i hope it comes soon for you hun even just to give you a little closure,

and you arent going on ok we are all here for you, if you need me day or night im here :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have read it can take between 6-8 weeks for your period to get regular and become normal again, Oh my your not going on! Your just worried and confused! :hug:

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