not sleepy yet and thinking .....


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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i keep going to bed so late and don't get up till late and i just can't seem to get myself into a routine of going to bed earlier. i just noticed too that i am almost 18 weeks and i thought i was almost 17 i can't believe i am losing track of the weeks but time is flying by so fast. i've been going around telling people i'm coming up to week 17 when its week 18 :oops: before i know it i'll be in labour hehe. where is the time going.

anyway i keep thinking back to october when i must have got pregnant but i didn't find out until the middle of november. we were suppost to go to alton towers in the november just before bonfire night so we could experience rideing the rides in the dark but anyway something came up and we couldn't go. normally i would be throwing a tantrum makeing people change their plans etc when i really want to do something but i just let it go as something in the back of my mind was telling me not to bother so i accepted we all couldn't go. looking back at that i would have already been a few weeks pregnant and i can't help but wonder now what would have happened if i had of gone and gone on all the rides would that of hurt the baby or maybe even have caused a miscarriage?
There's no evidence on rollercoasters affects on babies - it's generally the ride harnesses and strain on the body i.e on Air you'd have been lying on your belly.

Strange thing is I too had planned a trip to Alton, nearly booked that and the hotel but decided to leave it a week before booking and then found out about baby so I too am relieved I hadn't booked!

I did go on a rollercoaster at a local park when I must have been about 3 weeks pregnant - I didn't know at that point.

It was a 3 loop coaster that went forwards through the loops then backwards through them too so I would have had quite a bit of strain on my body! And i'm fine!

Don't let it worry you, baby is fine and you are too :)

And yes time flies in 2nd tri!! hehe

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug:
Hope you managed to get some sleep hun :sleep: :sleep:
:hug: :hug:
i was up late but thats just me naturaly. i try to go to bed early but i cant do it Im a night owl and late riser (which dosnt gell with going to work)
And so is my baby he is more active in the evening and night and likes to sleep in the morning.
fingers crossed :pray: this will continue when the bubba is hear as Mammy loves her lie in's :wink:

I wouldnt want to go on rollercoasters while pregers
id be scared id throw up while turning up side down :puke:
Im sure your baby would have been fine and Babybee proved that
still would give it a miss.
As for your dates ,im the same i have to stop and think where am i know in dates 25 weeks now WOW!!! :shock:
And it has gone very fast

Lol Sarah
thankyou for the replies :hug:

i managed to get to sleep around 3 and got up at 10. i'm not working at the moment so its not like i have anything to get up for which is a good job as i can't normally get to sleep before 2am.

thankyou i am happy to know baby would have been fine if i had of gone to alton towers but i'm still glad i didn't go now. we normally try and do 2 or 3 theme parks a year. for the last 4 years we have been going alton towers at least twice a year cos i love it that much hehe but there have been adverts on tv for blackpool pleasure beach and i feel a little upset that i can't do any theme parks this spring and summer :( and we were planning a trip to thorpe park for early this year but it will have to be next year instead. i shouldn't complain as i have a lovely baby to look forward to which is something i have always wanted so it will all be worth it and i have so much to look forward to especially when baby starts kicking and we have a lovely holiday in scotland to look forward to in march to see my bf's family so i will get pampered off them so that will be nice :) i like to be made a fuss of sometimes :D

oh and Air has to be my least favourite but i still go on it loads. i do love the ride it just feels scary when your in the seat and it tips forward and when you start off and you go up there is always some man stood there with a camera which i always think is strange. the worst part is going up though as there isn't an extra safety belt like there is on nemesis and a few others so i always feel that the seat could just open and i could fall out. thats probably just me that feels like that though hehe i'm just terrified of heights and fear falling but i love big rides :D

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