No Bump yet


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
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I am 17 weeks and have no bump at all yet. I went to the midwifes yesterday and there were 2 working at the clinic and the first one said you don't look pregnant and the other one said wheres your tummy? When I said that I would love to have a baby bump they both just said that i was crazy for wanting one. So they were both not very much help. I know my baby is healthy as I can hear it on my doppler and have been able to feel it moving for a couple of weeks now. I just can't believe I stilll have nothing there and I am going to be having my second scan in a couple of weeks. To start with I thought I was going to get big really quickly as I started to get a big tummy but it went away and my tummy went flat again so must have been water retention. Is anyone else like this? If so when did you all get a bump? x x x x x x
Don't worry, I didn't get a 'bump' till about 19/20 weeks! and even then it wasn't huge by any means. You wouldn't even have known I was pregnant!!

But now, at just over 26 weeks, Ive sprouted outwards with a lovely little round bump!
Just give it time, it will appear out of nowhere one morning!! hehe

Thanks for your replies ladys. Midna you get your maternity exemption card from your GP. Go to your GP and they will give you forms to fill out that you send off you should get your card a couple of weeks after sending off for it. I'm sure you will feel your baby soon I feel my baby very low down and it feels like popping its feels weird but its lovely. xxxx
I started getting a small bump at 16 weeks and I'm still not massive. I get shocked looks when I tell people how far gone I am because I really don't look it.
My baby is fine and the right size so I'm not worried about it. It's just that some women get really huge bumps and others not so huge and we must be in the not so huge catagory. look on the bright side though, you wont have many horrible stretch marks and you'll get back to your original figure sooner then the bigger bump girls :cheer:
i didnt get a bump with my 1st till about 6 months, and then it just looked fat lol but with this one i've had a good bump since about 18weeks, i love my bump this time, pics are in bump pics xx and dont worry, before you know it you'll be huge! :hug:
my second preg and i think i got my bump *showing* was aboiut 6months in preg or 5 1/2 months but then i kept wearing baggy clothes. clothes now are tighter. dont worry about a baby bump it will come :)
Gems, I was the same as you, I had no bump when I was 18 weeks (there is a post of me moaning back then), even when we went for our 20week scan I had no bump and the lady there told me not to worry and that every woman and pregnancy are different. Now I'm 22 weeks and I have a small tiny bump. I was acting like a child yesterday when at uni I bumped into someone i hadn't seen for a while and he said omg you are pregnant! It was the first time someone could tell I'm pregnant only by seeing me so I got soooo excited, my husband thought I'm silly lol.

Don't worry, you will soon get a bump - only thing that matters is that your baby is well and you can feel it and listen to its heartbeat! :hug:
Thanks for all your replies ladies you have all made me feel better about not having a bump :hug:

Claire great bump pics! I am soooo jealous.

Hello carlybaby. I know what you mean hun. I keep taking pics of my tummy and comparing them to see if I have grown at all lol hopefully we will both have nice round bumps soon x x x
My sister scarcely showed with her first until she was 5/6 months and even then the bump was tiny. I have known other people not show until they were 7 months or so! I think if you have a long body, you'll probably show later than those with a short body as there is less room for baby to expand.
Lots of ladies dont get bumps till their 7 months or so, enjoy being bump free for a while, cos when it grows and gets heavy you notice it!
Though having a baby bump is lovely too cos people then know that your really pregnant!

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