Not really sure whats normal or not(sorry if TMI)


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2007
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Warning detailed info on m/c

I know I was given a leaflet and everything but no one really explained what would happen if I m/c'd naturally.

Last night I was sitting on sofa and suddenly got this sharp contraction like pain and felt this slight leakage onto my pad (sorry if TMI) I just looked at DH and must have gone white as a sheet as he jumped up. i asked him to help me stand up and once I was standing I felt this sudden gush, it was very scary and I got very emotional. Once I got to the loo I found quite an amount of fresh blood but no clots. I kept having 'contractions' through the night but no more big bleeds, and I have been passing the sac membrane (yellowish/clear stuff) this morning.

I can only assume that the sac popped and it's contents gushed out and now my womb is contracting to expel anything left over ??

I just need to know that it's normal not to be bleeding heavily continuously. I am very sorry if this is upsetting for those reading it but I need to share my experince for my own piece of mind.

thank you all x

I'm sorry I can offer no advice really but noticed you'd had no replies so just wanted to say I hope you're ok and that i'm sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really hope this doesn't go on too long for you and we're all here if you need us.

Tan x
Hi Kim, I am so sorry you are going through such a hard time. :hug:
I really don't know if it is normal or sounds different from my experiences...however, I think mc is different for different people.

I bled heavily and continuously for about a week. The it seemed to stop but would come back a day later and this on/off pattern carried on for nearly another week.

I remember the nurse telling me to go to A&E if the bleeding was immense (i.e. had to change a pad at least every hour) and/or if I had any severe pain.

There could be a hundred reasons why yours is manifesting itsefl in this way, but if you are worried please go and see your doc...don't suffer...a mc is bad enough without added worrying and pain.

Hope everything is ok, lots of love
hun i do hope your ok. :hug:

im not sure hun but it does sound like you have past quite a lot of it but i would speak to the hospital and get some advice to make sure. If your in a lot of pain or having a lot of bleeding then i would definetly seek advise.

Hope your ok keep in touch hun :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls, I just thought I would update on what has happened as it may be useful for anyone else in a similar situation.

I started to have really bad pains at 1pm and by 3:30 it was evident that I was having contractions, they were every 2 mins and lasting over a min. It was agony so I phoned my GP and told her what was happening. I was bleeding very heavily by then. She advised me to go to A&E so I phoned the EPAU before hand and they agreed that I should come in but they wanted me to go through A&E as the bleeing was so heavy. By the time I got to hospital at 6pm the contractions had eased but they sent me up to the Gynae ward anyhow. Oh the embarassment at some poor porter having to push me through the hospital ...

I had literally only got onto the ward and into the treatment room and when I stood up I expelled the sac, in one complete form (about the size of a tangerine).

Now that was a shock !!

the dr's examined me and said they were happy that I had expelled everything and that the pains I had were indeed contractions. They have given me the option to still have my scan on weds just to be absolutely sure my womb is clear, so I'm going to do that.

and they've told me If we succeed in getting pregnant again I will be given an early scan, so thats good too.

I am just so relieved it's all over so quickly and I realise I'm one of the lucky ones.

I can't stress how fantastic they were on the ward and I urge anyone else who is going through this to avail of their EPU and don't be afraid to phone them any time day or night. My poor sister went through hell with her M/c and ended of bleeding for 4 months and I know thats partly because she didn't want to make a fuss.

Anyway, thanks again everyone for your kind words. They have meant a lot to me.I'm going to bed now for some much needed and well deserved rest.

aine x
Hi Aine (beautiful name btw, one of my favourite!)

I am glad things got sorted out today. It isn't pleasant to go through all of that at all!! At least you got some support from the hospital. you are right to go for the scan just to make sure everything has gone.

You might bleed for a few more days, I did after expelling my sac (was pretty horrible, I know where you are coming from)...but hopefully the worst of the pain is over for you.

Relax lots and take it easy...thinking of you and sending hugs :hug:

:wave: So sorry for your loss sweetie, I am glad that you went to the hospital to get checked up..... I don't think we are given enough detail on what to expect from a MC. many woman say the same thing, I filled out a questionaire on the info side for another forum with my story attatched.

I am very very lucky to be alive today.... Although I had lost two angels before, both were taken by D&C and i never knew how traumatic natural MC 'could be'
I knew before hand...that day he had no heartbeat from scan and i was booked to go into hospital next morning
I lost so much blood, I kept thinking is this normal? I passed lots of clots and then lost my son, even then I though, I shall still go into hospital in the morning and i'll be ok until then.... but i kept hemoraging, I lost so much blood and felt so sick with every gush, i told my mum to call for help. I was rushed into a side room on arrival to hospital and had nurses running and shouting for SHO doctor, bloods and fluid drip, i thought that was my last...
I passed out totally then awoke with nurses and doctors around me, sqeezing bags into my nurse 'Judith' said I was a very very lucky lady.
Moral of this story....
Don't wait ..... Get help.... Hospitals would much rather see people when it is not an emergency situation.....
I thank all the staff at Wishaw Maternity Unit, but I know if someone had taken 5 minutes to explain that we shouldn't loss that much blood and that i should contact the hospital right away at the start...then this would never have happened to me....
Thank you for being sensible and for giving good advice on here too.... take care doll, :hug: Lv Yvonne xx
hello hun

Im glad that everything went as well as it did for you and that you had great support from the hospital, im glad your going for the scan as well, please just rest now and take it easy.

I wish you all the luck and we are here anytime that you want to chat, now put your feet up and curl up in bed, lots of love :hug: :hug:
Ive read through this post and you seem a little more positive kimis, im glad about that.

Im going through the same at the moment and know its a very hard time, mine has luckily also been quite quick and im sure its nearing the end as only small clots now and less pain.

Stay strong, if you want to talk then give me a shout. :hug: xxx

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