Not ready yet panic!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2010
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OK, starting to worry now that we're not ready for baby.

Overnight my bump has dropped and am petrified baby may be thinking about an earlier than planned arrival.

Even if Pickle does stay put until he or she is due, am worried we'll have nothing ready. We've not collected the travel system yet (won't be in for a couple more weeks), I've only just ordered the mattresses for moses basket and crib, not yet sorted any bedding. Baby's clothes are still to be washed and got ready to be worn. Whilst the nursery just needs finishing touches, the rest of the house is a state, keep looking at it thinking it's barely fit for us let alone for baby too.

Still working a 5 day week, although it has reduced in hours by a little, and being self employed I need to keep working for as long as possible, am hoping to manage at least a 3 day week until baby arrives. In the evenings I'm too exhausted to do anything.

The only time I have to do anything is the weekends and there doesn't seem to be enough of them to fit in everything that needs to be done to the house (this is why i want to move and move quickly).

Does anyone else not feel ready (from a practical point of view) for baby to arrive? Feels like I need at least another 9 months to prepare for Pickle!
Stop worrying hunny, your LO could of just changed positions which makes your bump look a different shape.
Everything will just come together hunny, you will be fine :) x x

I've done nothing only ordered my pram. No nursery, nothing, so don't worry your not the only one! In my little brain I still have months to sort everything, guess 3 months or 2 in your case is still quite a long time!
Bless ya I can sympathise, although I'm not due till a couple of weeks after you I'm getting to the point of feeling overwhelmed and feeling like nothing will be ready. OH is so laid back, he can't understand why I want everything done sooner rather than later, tried explaining that in a few more weeks I will be even more bigger therefore getting too tired to be rushing around organising stuff. He's actually starting to paint nursery today but the bedding/curtains/wallpaper border I have ordered are still out of stock which is really frustrating! I think it's quite normal for women to feel like this due to the whole nesting instinct, we want everything perfect for when our little ones arrive x x

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