Anyone else feel "not ready yet"??


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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nearly only 3 weeks left and im starting to panick a little here now, not sure if im ready yet, already got a daughter so Im ready for another kid but we stilll got stuff missing and lots to buy in!! Just hope everything will be fine for the babys arrivals, stressing!!

im sure youll be fine hun x x i have 2 kids 3 step kids and ive bought everything i need, but i have moments of panic wondering if im ready for another baby then at times im so excited i want him to be here now lol.

its normal to feel anxious x x x x your not on your own x x x x and if youve forgotten anything when baby arrives well thats what family and friends are for they can fetch stuff for you x x x
I know how u feel, I keep having nightmares that baby comes early and I've got nothing ready! I'm gonna have another "get organised" day today sort through paperwork etc & maybe do an online boots shop for hospital bag items. It is a very stressful time it stress' me out thinking of the lists!
The weeks are passing over so quickly too I font know where the time has gone to xx
im the complete opposite,althoughi want him to stay in till the end so he is fully developed but i am so sick to death of being pregnant this time round and just want him out
I feel with you roxanne, im sick of being pregnant too and just want her out now, but im very anxious about birth, and that the baby is not healthy etc. Totally panicking lol, trying to take it easy xxx
No, I'm with all of you who 'aren't ready' yet. My dr seems to think he'll come early but I want my month of maternity leave so I can rest and enjoy sorting out the nursery etc slowly.
I don't want to be all in a panic too soon!!
I have sudden freak outs that nothing is going to be done and I'm not ready! But it's stupid, we've had the nursery ready for a over month, and we've bought clothes etc for when LO is here. Still a have a few things to buy but we have enough time (once OH gets back from offshore in 2 weeks). It's those few things that I worrying me though haha!


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