Not eatting alot

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I feel like all I'm doing is asking for advice!
Ok so yesterday I decided to change Charleys milk cos he was being abit sick during feeds, sounded like he was choking and heard his milk could be causing his eczema. I gave him 5oz's of aptamil at 8pm last night, he slept till 10.30pm then woke up grizzly so feed him again but he only took an ounce then was sick! I then had a very disturbed sleep where he kept waking up but needing cuddles to fall back asleep. I gave him a bottle at 7.30am but he only took 1.5oz's, gave him a bottle at 10am and took 2oz's so decided next feed to try sma again just incase he doesn't like aptamil but with his 1.30pm bottle he only took 2oz's again! He's crying for a feed but after 2oz's he spits the bottle out and cries! He's normally on 4-5oz's every 3-4 hours so that's why I'm concerned!
What do you think it could be?! Help!!!
Oh and between feeds he only cries for a feed, otherwise he's happy as normal or just sleeping!
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No advice I'm afraid! I couldn't even guess at why he's not eating much x is he crying for the feed everytime? I know that until recently I'd give Seb a feed when he was starting to make 'hungry' noises but have found that if I just leave him a little longer (not long enough for him to be proper crying though) he takes loads more! Also, is he burping ok? I find with Seb that he'll feed then need to burp so pushes bottle out then will fall asleep on my shoulder as I'm attempting to wind him! I have to wake him up otherwise he does pretty much what you've described! x
Yeah I always wait for him to cry before I feed him and I burp him about 3-4 times during each feed! I find once he's burped he takes more but he's just not interested! He's got a stuffy nose so I'm wondering if it's because he can't breathe while drinking?!
Could def be that! Seb had a really stuffy nose and really struggled with feeds! The gp gave me saline drops for him and I know a few mums swear by a suction thing to get rid of snot x
Thank you, Ill have to go get one! Ive raised his mattress but that didn't help last night! I might phone my hv and see what she says. I'm just hoping it is his nose x x
You also could let the shower run in a closed bathroom to get it steamy and pop in there with him, that helps Seb when he's really snuffly! x
I've just brought some saline drops and baby gaviscon and also gonna start using infacol again as he was fine before I started using gripe water x x
herbie was taking 6-7oz then started like this cried after 2oz he did it for 5 days till I took him to the doctor and they give him the colief and cow and gate comfort and touch wood he has been great since like you say it was only when he wanted feeding he was happy the rest of the time. But I really wouldnt keep swapping from one milk to another it could really upset his tummy hope he drinks more soon xx
I've just given him a bottle of sma and he drank the whole 4oz's!! He must've not liked aptamil! I'm so happy he's had something now! Gonna stick to sma now!
Yay! Glad he's deciding to eat again!!
even at such a young age, they know what they like!

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