not eating enough


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Took Aimee to get weighed again today and she has only gained 1oz so that only 7oz in 3 weeks. Getting worried about her now! I have to keep a food diary and say if i woke her of if she cried for each feed. Also how many dirty nappies she has. I have to take her back on Tuesday to see health visitor again to see if she needs to see GP. She is only taking 16-21 oz now and she said she should be taking at least 25oz per day and that it should be a least 5oz per feed. Anyone else having problems getting baby to feed!
don't let them worry you i went through all this with hannah she has only put on 3lb in 5 months but they r saying now she is just meant to be small hannah has never eat a lot but is fine so don't worry and take no notice i know it's hard but try
Thanks Tommy, What weight was Hannah when she was born? They really getting me worried that she might be ill or something. Its good to know she is not the only one doing this. Aimee was 8lb 11oz born and she is now 10lb 9oz but most of that weight gain was in the first 4 weeks.
hannah was 10lb 4oz born went down to 9lb 1oz but some fortnights she has only put on 2/3 oz so try not to worry she has got all the world to grow in and she will
Its hard not to isn't it when they keep moaning at you. Aimee didn't loose any weight, at 11 days she had gained 7 oz. I had this with my first they were always moaning that she was gaining to much weight and had me seeing a peaditritian (sp). Think thats why its worrying me so much cos i've only had a baby that eat weel gained loads of weight.
me to my first was a little piggy at hannas age he was 22lb so it was a bit of a shock to me too but once again all i can say is try not to worry and take no notice you will be fine
Took Aimee back to get weighed again after 4 days like they asked and she has gained 6 oz. Yay! They can stop moaning at me about that now. She has started taking about 24oz a day now and it seems to have done the trick HV said it should be a least 27oz for her weight but she must be getting enough to gain 6oz in 4 days! Just though I would share.
Glad all's ok. So easy to worry endlessly, hey?
Emilia xx

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