

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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According to the What To Expect When You're Expecting book, blocked/stuffy noses are common but it has suddenly turned into nosebleeds for me. I am not the kinda person who gets nosebleeds easily, infact before the pregnancy I only got 3 in my entire life but I am getting a couple a day.

Anyone else getting nosebleeds?
I'm not getting them as often as you are, but I had a severe one last week which caused me to be late for work and one today which wasn't as bad. I've been blocked/stuffy for months though, but the nosebleeds have just started and I'm 26 weeks....

Likewise I wouldn't have had them often in the past, just a handful in total.

hiya i'm not having nose blleds as such every morning when i wake up i'm really stuffy and need to blow my nose and the tissue is always full of blood (sorry tmi) thats every morning by the time i've blown about 3 or 4 times its cleared

i'm not runny just bunged up first thing

bobs :D
Is it something I should mention to my doctor? To be honest the nosebleeds aren't bothering me, just as long as I have enough tissues on me when I get one.
hiya i do think you should tell your midwife just to be on the safe side, i don't think it would be anything to worry about, i get on really well with my midwife and i can tell her pretty much everything even if its something that i'm not really worried about, might put your mind at ease knowing that its common or not
I've had about 5 nose bleeds in the past 3 weeks, one of them was really bad. They usually happen at about 5am, but one time it happened when I was in the bath. I used to have the quite ofter when I was younger but havent had any (up until these recent ones) since I was about 17.
isnt it something to do with all the extra blood running around our bodies?? I dont have nose bleeds but my gums bleed loads when i brush my teeth and they never used to, seen dentist and they're fine which is great.
Might be worth a mention to midwife just to put your mind at rest
Nosebleeds are common in pregnancy so I'd not worry.

I hadn't had one since I was about 12 and then inside of 2 months during this pregnancy I'd had about 10 :roll: They eased off and I occasionally have the odd one now but nothing major for a while.
simhaz1 said:
hiya i'm not having nose blleds as such every morning when i wake up i'm really stuffy and need to blow my nose and the tissue is always full of blood (sorry tmi) thats every morning by the time i've blown about 3 or 4 times its cleared

i'm not runny just bunged up first thing

bobs :D

I had this exact same thing. It didn't occur to me to worry tbh and it seems to have stopped now.

I'd mention it at your next appointment if they're heavy.

I Tend to get more nosebeeds when I've got a cold (which is most of the time so far this winter) though they are only minor as I had my nose cautorised when I was a kid. I got them with my previous pregnancies too and I think it's fairly common.

All the best
Yeah I get them when pregnant too plus I snore sooooo badly when preg also. God knows how eefie slept in the womb with me and even now he sleeps in bed with me and snuggles right up to my face and I never disturb him! If OH snores eefie starts crying lol! I just say well its like sleeping with the radio on, he's used to it now :lol:
I've been having nosebleeds but didn't put it down to the pregnancy!

I am also sooooo stuffy when I wake up in the morning, I can barely breathe and it's horrible. And when I blow my nose I also get, um, a lot of blood :oops:

My gums have also been bleeding, there is one spot in particular that keeps bleeding every time I eat an apple which is slightly worrying. I will bring it up with my dentist next time I go... don't want my tooth to fall out!!!

C xxx

I've also had probs with bleeding gums!!! Once there was so much blood that I was spitting bright red!!! Think I need to find a dentist (haven't been a for a year or so since ours went private!)
hiah, yeh i get them now on a weekly basis or so now im pregnanty!

really annoying, its mainly in a morning after ive washed my face! Grrr !!

very common apparently!!

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