

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hiya everyone. I'm currently 9dpo and not dared to poas yet!! However this morning I had a nose bleed. I never get them!! I googled it and it said it could be an early preg symptom. The only other thing is that I'm a little nauseous. Anyone else heard of nosebleeds as a symptom? Hmmm xxx
YES YES YES !!! I had a nosebleed the other day that's how I knew for definete!!!! POASSSSSSSSSSSS :D
I'm scared to because I have been mega emotional past 2 days (started crying test because I couldn't reverse park!!) so I'm worried if it's bfn I will cry! Oh doesn't know what's hit me!! I was convinced i wasn't until my nosebleed this morning hmmm!! I might poas in morning if I'm brave!! Did you get any other symptoms yet Charlene? Xxx
Sore boobs ewcm hot sweats and flu xx

sent by my sick arse HTC ;)
I had a nose bleed this morning I'm 7 wks tomorrow and only eva get them when I'm pregnant no other time xxx
I hope its a good sign for me then!! I think I'm going to try and hold out till Thursday to POAS though....if I can! Problem is OH is away Tues and Wed night, I know i won't be able to resist when he isn't here!!
Nosebleeds are a great sign! Good luck for when you test, bet once OH has gone down the road on tuesday and your'll be in that bathroom like a shot! Hope it's our month :dust::dust::dust:
Thanks JJ mum, where abouts in your cycle are you?
I now have got irritable nipples (sorry tmi), and feeling unusually exhausted for saying we have done nothing all day!
FX for that BFP, its hard not to get your hopes up isn't it!
Just had another small nosebleed- no idea what's going on?!
I had blood when blowing my nose very very early on this time, it was one of the things that gave me an incline I was pregnant because I had it last time.

Hope this is it for you x
I caved and did a superdrug test this morning- bfn. Feeling rubbish now but only 10dpo so maybe there's hope? :(

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