Noooooo :-(


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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I have just found my first stretch mark!!!! It is tiny and right by my belly button but I am so gutted :( my mum only got them under her bump so thought I'd get away with only a few, and I have been using palmers stretch mark cream every bloody day!! I am actually devastated! Especially as I have got one this early on - prob means I will be covered in them! I just had words with the boy and told him not to stretch me too much!!
awh bless well hopefully this will be the only one now he knows what not to do! How ya feeling otherwise hun? xx
Let's hope so... I just don't want to look like a road map! I'm ok thanks chick, I've been so lucky everything has been going great for the past 8 weeks - feeling amazing and no problems touch wood - just this one stretch mark that's getting me down! How are you getting on? Xx
I found this and even makes me well up (bloody hormones):

A mark for every breath you took

Every blink, every sleepy yawn.

One for every time you sucked your thumb,

Waved hello, closed your eyes and slept in the most perfect darkness.

One for every time you had the hiccups.

One for every dream you dreamed within me.

It isn't very pretty anymore.

Some may even think it's ugly!

That's OK, it was your home. It held you until my arms could!

And for that I will always find something beautiful in it!!!!
Awww thats lovely sue thank you :) cheered me up hun! X
Aww I wish I had a stretch mark! I swear if I never had my 20 week scan the other day I didnt think I was pregnant! I have no bump at all :( even though she measures perfect for my dates! Keep lathering on the cream hun!! :) xxx

I think you've done well to get to 23 weeks without getting one!

I got them on my boobs quite early on, out of the blue I just woke up one morning to them. I was gutted :(
hey hun

just copied this from a friend on fb who just had a baby!!

your stretch marks are proof your a god damn tiger that's earned your stripes :)
Aww that's fab! Thanks hun - you're all cheering me up :) xx

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