Noah's arrival


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
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Ok here goes, might be a bit long

After a lot of weak twinges on Sunday afternoon, we put the kids to bed on the evening and i felt very fidgety and uncomfotable so went to bed at 9pm.

I woke up to go to the loo at about 2 with crampy pains and things got under way about 3ish with contractions every 8 minutes or so. I made my way downstairs and paced around the living room and sitting on the birth ball.
Hubbby made his way downstairs about an hour later and asked 'is this it'? I told him not to panic as the pains were 'bearable' but I was timimg them and they were about 4 mins apart and lasting around 45 seconds.

The contractions picked up and he called the MW at about 5.30 and two arrived (one student). The examined me and I was 5-6cm.
I started on the gas and air as they were getting painful and was greeted by a sleepy two-year-old who wondered what was going on, hubby managed to put him back to bed for half an hour and my mum came round to sit with them

At about 9, the urge to push was overwhelming and stood up leaning over a chair, MW examined me and said was just under 8cm. I moved and leaned on all fours over the birth ball with gas and air.

We were joined by Mia at this point excitdly demanding to stay (she had watched a number of births on tv with me), we agreed she would go if it became to upsetting.
By 10 the contractions were so strong and on my first push my waters broke and three big pushes later, Noah slid into the world. The MWs managed it so well and i didnt need any stitches.
Hubby cut the cord and it turned Mia had watched it all fascianted apparently!!, think i might have a MW of the future on my hands.
Seth came in to see his new brother almost straight away and we were all together as a family which made it extra special.

Looking back now it was everything I wanted and more and the fact Mia saw everything and loved it makes me so proud of what I did.

Sorry I have rambled on but wanted to share his arrival and hubby has promised he will get down to the shop to get out pictures on CD (we cannot find the USB lead!).

Thanks to everyone for their best wishes
Sian xx
Thats a lovely birth. Was it your first home birth? how did you find it compared to a hospital birth?

Its so lovely that your little girl was there to see the birth, brave little thing.

Id love my next birth to be just like that!!!!
wow, great birthing story, sounds lovely (obviously not the pain!!)

glad your little girl got to see it and enjoyed it! bless xxxx
Awww what a lovely birth and I'm glad Mia enjoyed it and wasn't upset at seeing you in pain. It must have been lovely :D

Congratulations and welcome baby Noah :)
congratulations.. sounds like a wonderful birth.

Glad you had such a great experiance of birth! Congratulations.
What a lovely story, congratulations to all of you :D

congrats seems like a nice birth story.
it sounds perfect birth sian.
Im thinking of a home birth too. But the thought of all my kids around me puts me off :? perhaps i wouldn't care at the time though


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