No Witch...please help! Possibly tmi though!

Thanks Charlene...I keep thinking 'If I dont come on today I'll get a test...but I'll probably come on tomorrow so there's no point'!! Need to get over my fear I think and just do the damn test!!!
go for it.. best way to be is stay positive.
how long have you been TTC now? xx
Since December...I just dont think I see it happening this month, where he didn't, you know, oh I said it earlier in the thread, dont make me say it again!!!! lol...
I know I need to bite the bullet and do it but if truth be told I'm scared and I dont know what I'm more scared of, a BFP or a BFN!!
aww I know how you feel hun .. Im the same i dont know weather i wud be scared of a bfp or a bfn haha .. dont worry hun that isnt long an healthy couple can take upto a year TTC , me and my OH have been TTC for 6 months now, and tbh i cant see it being my month as i have had no symptoms what soo ever apart from headaches.
Just stay strong babe and i hope this is your month, got everything crossed for you :hug:
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Thank you...I am now also thinking that if I do come on it throws my ovulation out for next month cos I've only been counting days so far...the past few months its been 27/28 days but now I'm onto 32 days, thats if I come on tomorrow...
Oh do you know what, I have to do it dont I?! If there is nothing by tomorrow I will get a test and do it Sunday morning...all this thinking about it cant be helping anyway!!
Good luck to you babe...hopefully our time is coming!
And yes you need to do it .. :) .. Hope you do get your BFP Hun
keep us all posted :) xx
If you do a test on Sunday and its a bpf, do you think you'll kick yourself for not finding out the good news sooner? You've got some real willpower to stick it out, hun, more than the rest of us x
Ooooh how very exciting. Hope it's the news we all want for you. All the best. Do let us know
Oh yeah definitely StValentine...I have absolutely no idea how I've lasted this long...I've been the same before, done tests thinking I was and then come on the following day...I am sitting here now kicking myself for not buying one yesterday (or earlier in the week!) cos she still hasn't turned up...but I am getting killer stomach aches today but not period pains, they're really low down...I'll definitely let you all know... xxx

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