NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

You don't sound mean at all Millie it's totally understandAble xx

Well af here for me 2 I knew she was coming but gutted it it arrived even though I knew this was a none trying cycle ... Told ya I need a blooming straight jacket lol xx
Millie, you don't sound mean at all xx
Sorry about AF Jodie but it means a new fresh cycle where you can have some perfectly timed bding.

I woke up this morning, stood up and my boobs were so sore. They are ok now, just tingly. I feel slightly queasy and have had some stabby pains in lower stomach, I am so badly constipated though so could be that. Its weird, usually I would be excited about these 'non-symptoms' but I really don't anticipate a bfp this month and I am ok with that. If it doesn't happen this month I will concentrate on shedding a stone and getting super toned for holiday and then hopefully make a sunshine baby on our holiday :) xx
Ooh lisey those sound good symptoms. Constipation is a good sign too?
How many dpo are you? Xx
I am only 8dpo, the stabby pains have gone, think it was constipation related. Will test in a couple of days and will know one way or another within the next week. How are you today? xx
Hi Girls
I'm 10dpo today and feel ok apart from my boobs ache & I feel normal
so im not too hopeful
When are you all testing with me? I know you did a Clearblue one Millie but they are not Sensitive enough

Come on girls we need some more Bfps on here!!!!:):):):):)
I am testing Friday. Stabby pains are back. I feel tired too, think I am going to have a nap. I have been so busy decorating the last few days though so normal to be tired.
Millie they are good symptoms for 9dpo. Don't worry about the bfn, like Angel says, not that sensitive for a 9dpo testing. Angel, do you normally get sore boobs in the 2WW, I always do so I can't take it as a good sign. If its not the norm for you could be a positive sign xx
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I keep getting burning in nipples but it's on and off. And my boobs all over hurt around ov and now they don't so not hopeful either. Although I am really hungry and tired but I am probs making symptoms up haha!

I hate from 9-14 dpo lol!! It involves so much will power to not test repeatedly! And I have to go out for my cbt appt too and walk past boots. This is like a proper addiction hahaha!! Xx
Well I've got BFN on an ic and a FRER
I so hate early testing but I still do it
I don't normally get really achy boobs but I'm not reading too much into it
Millie are you doing a FRER this afternoon? xxxx
Emma if you dont normally get achy boobs then thats a good sign

Oh im annoying myself I'm SO hungry!! But I know its just me being a fat pig haha! And the more I believe its a symptom the more hungry il be and this is how i end up fat haha!
Held for 2 hours should I wait longer? I know itl be a bfn my boobs arent sore enough lol xx
2 hours is long enough I think
I've another FRER just calling to be peed on haha
But I'm going to do a ic when I get home at about 4.30 xxxx
Lol bfn.. I'm not gonna get caught in the cycle haha I'm putting them away and expecting AF! Xx
Millie and Angel, I blame you both for this. I tested lol and the wee was practically clear cos I have been weeing so much and drinking loads of water, was pointless dipping the test!! I am easily influenced though :whistle: There is a slight line on it but I think its maybe the indent? They are the same tests as last month so I don't trust them but I just had to do it haha!! :lol: I can't really get it to show in a pic though so you will only see it if you have good eyes :shock: <---- Those are your good eyes lol

I thinkk I can see something slightly but can't tell whether its something or indent. Are you only 8dpo lol? Def way early! Lol we are all terrible haha!!! Xx
Lol, I know. I just did it for fun. Far too early. I do think its an indent line. I can see it better in real life but still think its an indent xx
Really hope it's something! Wish the tww was like a 2 hour wait or a 2 second wait haha xxx
2 second wait sounds good. I am not feeling too stressed during this 2ww. I think cos I have got it in my head that I won't be pregnant so see no point stressing if you know what I mean xx
Yeah totally know what you mean. This month I don't think I'm as bad as others because I've got the Clomid to look forward to so wont be as upset with af so i dont feel like i neeed to know

I really am so tired. Its probably my body clock adjusting though as used to staying up late and getting up late but this week been sleeping way earlier and up earlier.
Still starving too!
Would feel good about this month if my boobs hurt but they don't so not hopeful xx
Oh Lisey
I can see a faint line, and your only 8dpo so it will be faint!!
I'm such a bad influence haha
Well I've looked at my ic that i did earlier anf i cant see the line now!!!

Millie your symptoms sound good!! I can remember I didn't have sore boobs when I got my Bfp with joe , but then as soon as I got my Bfp the day after they felt sore!!!

God why do we do this to ourselfs xxxx
We are crazy ttc ladies that's why ;) I am very calm about it all though. We will see, I hope there are some bfps this month and not convincong evaps like last month xx
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