NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

Having some crazyyy pains tonight owww. Could this be a delayed ov or can I wishful think about implantation at 4dpo hahaha
Confused as my opks where so dark 5 days ago and had lots of ewcm. Then yesterday ewcm and a nearly pos opk and 4 hours later a neg opk and then creamy cm today
Oh sounding good ladies Holi hoping it's IB and you get a Bfp in a few days

Millie how confusing I would just go with the super dark opks that you got 5 days ago

Well im 5/6 dpo today and feel so nauseaus

It was DH birthday yesterday so had a curry so it could be that as I've been eating so healthy for 2 weeks

Not SS honest!!! xxxx
5dpo for me
Those pains last night where crazy!!
Like stabs and aches in the left then every so often a shooting pain in middle of uterus area. Lasted about 6 hours
Yayyy for nausea emma :). I have none. Probs the only month i dont. Boooo. I was sick at 6dpo first preg so early nausea is a really good sign i think
Going out tonight woo :) xx
Oh millie those pains sound like implantation
Could you be more than 5dpo? I think im 5/6 almost certain I Ovulated last Sunday which would make me 6dpo
I don't feel sick now so I doubt it was anything
Where are you going tonight? :) xxxx
Nope I don't think I could be more than 5dpo as ovd cd7 which is super early already so pains were def at 4dpo. I dtd with mooncup last night just in case it was ov even though opk was neg.
Just going out in town tonight :). I'm so undecided about drinking. It'l be hard to make an excuse and in some ways I want to have a good night to celebrate finishing uni but then alcohol thins blood and when i used to drink on the pill i always had spotting so shows it has some effect so i just don't know lol especially since were paying a few hundred a cycle from next cycle I should really do everything I can this cycle.
I'm thinking I might have a couple of drinks but drink them verry slowly? And have lots of water in between xxx
Millie I had a couple of drinks last night for DH birthday so I wouldn't worry
Just only have a couple and drink water in between
To be honest I dint drink often but you can't put your life on hold especially when you've been TTC so long
Just enjoy yourself xxxx
I might just enjoy myself without going overboard.. if it's gonna happen it'l happen on Clomid so only another 3/4 months. If it doesn't happen again even with Clomid then I doubt it will of happened this month lol. Hopefully a few drinks wont hurt as long as I don't get properly drunk or anything! Xx
H ive just reread my post and i just wanted to add I don't advocate drinking alcohol in pregnancy but until you get your Bfp then the ocassional drink is ok, personal choice is what I meant xxxx
Haha dw I didn't take it like that :). I used to drink in tww occasionally until I heard about my lining but if its thin then its thin anyway and I'd need to wait till next month anyway so doubt it will do anything drastic
When we where first ttc it was horrid we went to london and went to loads of nice cocktail places and i was late for af with bfns and i just felt too bad drinking and then we got home and af arrived. I was gutted and wish id just enjoyed myself lol!! Xx
I know what you mean!!
I almost always have a drink the day AF arrives but if it's a special occasion or if I go out I do enjoy a drink
I didn't drink when I was pregnant and for a year after as I was BF so if I have an occasional drink now I don't worry about it xxxx
I don't drink myself BUT if I did like the occasional drink, I wouldn't not drink during the TWW. There are so many ladies who have alot to drink without even knowing they are pregnant in the tww, first couple months etc and they have healthy pregnancies and babies.

If It's going to happen, it will happen imo. Definitely enjoy yourself because pesonally I'd rather enjoy myself then get a BFP rather than not enjoy myself and get AF.
I never used to drink in the 2WW but after 4 years almost I refuse to put everything on hold. I will be having a couple of cocktails tonight. I won't get drunk as I hate being drunk but I will have a couple and enjoy my eve :) Hope you have a great night Millie, you deserve to celebrate after all your hard work xx
I drink in tww otherwise it's even more pressure when taking a test! But luckily I'm not a big drinker and can go weeks between having a drink so chances are I normally miss drinking in tww anyways!

Today's update - CD26 woke up to brown snot like cm so got upset thinking that it was AF coming early, but since that this morning, absolutely no sign of AF or any more brown cm and I've got a dull ache in lady parts. Normally when my AF starts with brown snot stuff but then continues until I'm in full flow but I've never had it stop and start before. Just praying its beany getting snug! I can't face taking another test til next weekend tho

Just been to a kids party with loads of new babies and pregnant people! I'm super broody now!! Xx
Lol i defo did drink haha had quarter of a bottle of vodka, 2 cocktails and a bottle of prosecco, quite a lot considering i never drink. If its gonna happen again its gonna happen on clomid i think so no point worrying this month plus i went out loads when i got preg by suprise in the past xxx
Lol i defo did drink haha had quarter of a bottle of vodka, 2 cocktails and a bottle of prosecco, quite a lot considering i never drink. If its gonna happen again its gonna happen on clomid i think so no point worrying this month plus i went out loads when i got preg by suprise in the past xxx

Sounds like a good night hope your hangovers not too brutal hehe xxx
Oh millie sounds like you had a good night!!
Hopefully you feel ok today

Well 7dpo today and my boobs have started hurting this morning
And I still have a odd feeling belly
Feel a bit sick too.....not SS lol xxxx
Aww Millie is it a symptom or a hangover?
I'm not sure why my boobs are achy but I haven't had achy boobs in the 2ww for a few months
Yesterday I felt really positive but today I feel deflated
Managed to resist poas at least!! xxx

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