NO ss NO early testing let's kick Ttc where it hurts !!

I too was one who thought they might have done it last cycle.

I can still see a line on that bloody test now, but as I'm currently CD6 it obviously wasn't a line of any significance!

I would like to join but think I would let the side down. I always say I won't ss or test early and then generally do both!!

Is anyone planning on doing anything different this cycle? I'm taking folic acid, using digital and cheapie opks and preseed.

Good luck everyone!

Here's hoping for bfps all round!!

Meeee lol raspberry leaf tea until cd10, pineapple core and brazil nuts after ov to help implantation :)
Ooh im glad you started this thread Jodie :)
I think I may of had a chemical as ive been looking at my tests thst ive done and like you Emily there are definitely faint lines
But I have very heavy bleeding so I know it's definitely AF

I'm going to order some more Opks & some Clearblue digi tests
I'm starting high dose 2mg and Clomid 2-6

What does honey do then? I'm willing to try anything ;)

I might try soy again. I used soy with Oliver but didn't this time and another loss so maybe soy really helped make my eggs stronger or something. My body is broken lol needs all the help I can get. Don't have issues with falling pregnant mine are with staying pregnant and the only baby in 12 years to make it was a soy baby. So worth a shot I think xxx
Ooh what do you do with soy?? Sorry if I sound stupid!

We are gonna get our bfps this month girls!! Feeling positive for us :) (and period pains hurt so I definitely want to give these a miss this year please!!) xxxxx
Angel - I've been looking at mine too and def see some lines. Are you gonna avoid testing early this time? I think I'm going to try!! (No willpower but for sanity and money I need to lol!) xxx
Soy is like a herbal clomid. Taken for 5 days early in your cycle. I took it last year and had my son after 7 losses. I'm 10 weeks pregnant now without soy and waiting to miscarry. So worth a shot again. If you have regular cycles it's no good tho xxx
Aww lilmisshopeful I am so sorry to hear that :( the soy sounds like a good bet! Hope you get your sticky bfp soon honey xxx
Defo worth a shot with soy! Sounds like that helped! :)
I tried it for two cycles but it didnt work for me although the first cycle on it was 28 days the second one was 17 still.
Hmmm I wonder if soy would help me I think I ov well I get positive opks but my cycles are between 28 - 31 days I'm might have a read up I suppose it couldn't harm could it lol xx

Lil miss I'm soo sorry to hear your news fx you get ur super sticky baby as soon as u can xx
I think I read it can mess up cycles a little if you're fairly regular anyway but I'd say it is defo worth a try and then can always just stick to only trying one month if it doesn't work for you? :)
I'm so sorry Lilmisshopeful
I really hope you get your sticky bean soon, ive heard such good things about iso flavones
They are meant to be the herbal Clomid and work very similarly to it, I read quite a lot about them as I was going to try them before I got Clomid prescribed

That's true if it messes up this cycle then I won't try them again I mean let's face it 8 years Ttc I will try anything hell if I thought standing on my head with a plug up my foof got me a bfp I would so do it Hahahaha

I'm feeling soo positive today and weirdly at peace with myself goodness knows why haha but I ain't knocking it xx
I've felt like that this week too jodie :D it feels so good

Yeah good idea :) I heard great things about them too! I was gonna try this month before Clomid but forgot ha ha! Will be trying again if clomid doesnt work xxx
Gosh Jodie 8 years ttc?
I didnt realise you've been ttc so long,
I'm up to a year in June and was 17 months with my little boy
You could try the iso, like you said it's worth a try if it can help get a Bfp
Glad your feeling so positive
Hope it rubs off on us all :) xxxx
I tried Soy and it didn't do anything for me. At the time my cycles were around 50ish days and it made them longer :-(
Thanks girls. I knew from the start something wast right this time. Was a blighted ovum. Sac but no baby. They given me a week to miscarry myself before helping me.

I swear the soy is the reason I have Oliver. 12 years ttc 7 losses then I take soy and have a great pregnancy with just a few hiccups. My cycles are all over the place. With the soy with Oliver it changed my ov day from cd21-25 to cd17 so was happy. I tried it for 3 cycles this time ttc and 2 I didn't ovulate at all and one I did and got af 7 dpo. The next cycle without it I got pregnant. Seems to be hit and miss if it works but when it does it works good. Will try again for 3 months then have a break depending on how it works xxx
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Throwing my name into the pot too....I need a POS addiction support group!
Yay, I'm in! CD4 for me so getting active as soon as AF is gone. I don't trust any cheap early test any more but I don't like wasting expensive tests, so I'll be digging my heels in and not test until I should get good line or AF is due. Last pregnancy I had no early symptoms so no point in SS for me anyway. Bring it on! :)

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