No show of milk


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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I'm a week overdue today and I've had no leakage at all throughout my pregnancy. I've been using my Weleda Nursing Oil, something I already planned to use but midwife also recommended esp as I got closer to my due date. She also suggested trying to express to bring on labour. But I've had not a single drop. Is that normal or does it mean I'm likely to struggle with breastfeeding?
There's a nack to hand expressing. You need a lot of the areola and gently squeeze downwards towards the nipple. You may have more luck if you google it (diagrams will make more sense).

You won't get milk until after your baby is born. At the moment it's a clear liquid called colostrum and only a few drops at a time.

If you can't express any, don't panic, your baby will be able to.
I've heard a lot of people 'leak' during pregnancy and I know not everyone does, but now that I'm overdue as well I got a bit worried that literally nothing seems to be happening! I will have a Google, thank you :)
I went a week over and I never leaked at all, now I've been ebf 8 months! Don't panic
Ah that's so reassuring to hear, thank you! I really want to EBF for 12 months if I can.
Think a lot of the time milk comes in around day 3/4 after baby is born- that's what the midwives told me and mine came in around then
I went overdue with both mine and ebf them both. There is defiantly a neck to hand expressing. There's videos on you tube.
Yeh I know it takes a few days for it to come in but because many experience leaking during pregnancy and I'm now 8 days over and still nothing, I got a little worried! :)
Your body knows it hasn't given birth yet so won't start making milk yet. Whether or not you leak during pregnancy has no connection to how easy you will find breastfeeding so don't worry yourself. Once baby is born your hormones and letting baby suckle regularly will bring your milk in.
I went 14 days over with Jackson but didnt pass any milk or leak until he was born.

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think they said it was something to do with hormones released when baby suckles on your colostrum rather than going to term :)
As others have said, your milk probably won't come in til day 3 after birth anyway so don't worry. I never leaked during pregnancy but I'm still BFing my 14 month old

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