No movement?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Haven't felt my little boy move today yet! He usually moves early in the morning and is a proper wriggler! I am a bit worried :-/ anyone else had days where they haven't felt any movement at all?
oh yes.....especially between 20 weeks and 23 weeks.....lots of growing going on.......i havent felt boo boo much this morning but he/she was very active last night...i think they just tire themselves out too sometimes...

try not to worry hon....maybe baby has got into a new position and you cant feel all the kicks or wriggling xx
I've had times when he's been on the quiet side esp. around 21/22 weeks when they're going through a growth spurt. Have you tried peeing, drinking a cold drink and laying on your side... should encourage him to have a wriggle and put your mind at rest. Sometimes their movement can also seem to be lessened because he may have turned to face inwards and so you can't feel their movements as easily.

Let us know how it goes xxxxx
yeah and me hun i'm nearly 22 weeks and he's definatly more quiet in the day time that wat he is on a night time and hubby cant feel his kicks any more but i still can, if ur really worried and have got a doppler use it, but as the other girls say he's just growing nothing to worry about xxx
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yeah mines being lazy today too. shes moved a couple of times but not as much as usual. she did have a lil wriggle when i ate lunch tho so im not worried, they go quiet when theyre busy growing so its not a bad thing
Yes, this has happend to me as well. Don't Think you need to worry, lo is probably growing!!

AJ has been very quiet today too. But I have been pottering around the house alot etc and my mw said they are rocked to sleep by the movement when you walk so think thats why plus he was going nuts all day yesterday and I think hes have a chill out day today. lol
Yeah I had nothing for few days and was starting to panic then got kicked to death last night for a few hours :-) think its pretty normal
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I had a morning like this, but then had something sweet to eat and then she starts. I was worrying cos she was quiet last night and till about 11am. I find as well if ive been busy or feel particulary tired then it affects her as well XX
i have a very quiet boo boo this morning......must be a sleepy day. had a listen on doppler and sounds is a worry though isnt it.....xx
Like the other ladies said try not to worry sometimes my LO doesn't move then the next day she dont stop! Have you got a doppler? If she doesnt move I tend to get that out once in a while just to stop me worrying but its very normal
He didn't move all day yesterday but heard his hb fine on Doppler when I got in from work! Still haven't felt him today either, he's obviously having a lazy weekend :) xx

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