no movement yet?


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
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im 18 weeks today and still not feeling baby move its baby number 5 and im sure i felt the others earlier

im rubbish with the doppler but i can pick up a hb of 156(gotta be babba lol) i think i felt a couple of pokes the other day but am not too sure

is this normal?
My lo is so slow at this too but I do have an anterior placenta so thats why :) I'm guessing thats whats up hun :love:
I'm the same.... how do i find out if i have an anterior placenta???? xx
Your 12 week scan would have picked up where your placenta is - check the little card they gave you after the scan to keep with your green booklet.

Mine is anterior too but starting to feel almost like nudges.
I didn't feel baby move until just after 20 weeks. I wasn't told in my 12 week scan that I had an anterior placenta, I was only told at my 21 week scan.

I know it's easier said than done, but don't worry about it too much, you'll soon start feeling movement :)
i wasn't told anything in my 12 week scan :-( so i am assuming they will tell me at my 21 week scan :) so far i've had only two meets with the midwife and been to the hospital 3 times - 1 for scan and, 1 for blood tests and 1 for consultant as i am high risk being overweight... only a size 16 lol x
I didn't feel anything until the day before me 20 week scan. I haven't got an anterior placenta. Try not to worry, each pregnancy is different.
hey hun....i didnt start to feel my LO until i was 20 + weeks...everyones different, try not to worry xx
Lou I didnt feel Sid properly till much later than I felt the girls. I bet it wont be long now :)
Bet it will be a max few weeks tops, let us all know when you feel baby!

Mine were all 22 weeks before I felt them
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thanks ladies :) i keep thinking i feel little pokes maybe they are maybe ive got terrible gas haha i know baby is alright i had a scan 2 weeks ago and it was wriggling all over the show and i have a doppler so i can find the hb if i get a bit jumpy

i also carry plenty of padding and some have said depending on babys position that can have an effect too

i think im just being over paraniod :blush:
I also have anterior placenta but feel little rumbly feelings still waiting for those big kicks tho am sure they will come soon enough and keep you awake!!!
im finally feeling him.her wriggle-i felt what i thought was it at the end of last week for a couple of days and then it stopped again for a day or 2 but in the last 2 days it has done nothing but wriggle and poke me

im so happy :)

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