Ditto to moving it back lol I got hubby to agree to TTC now and then F regressed a bit sleep wise and sped up her crawling and I have totally panicked and thought too soon, too soon!! ) I waver between not feeling ready to split myself between two yet and then thinking all will be well. Also I had tonsilitis last week and feeling that crappy, even though only for two days made me think I'm not ready to cope with 16weeks of morning sickness again and having LO to look after. Borrow a friends baby, found that a good way to postpone the broodiness! haha, didn't know which one to follow as they crawled off in opposite directions! We're thinking Dec/Jan now, also gives me a few months to shift the final 1/2 stone and have a few boozy/girly nights out as F just weaned off the boob too! Got my body back for a bit! ) xx