Nipples Leaking already?!?!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hey lovely ladies!

Well - I am 20 weeks pregnant and last night in bed I was just randomly looking at my nipples as they looked as though they had 'leaked' but then dried kind of thing, and I squeezed one and literally a big old drip of liquid came out and kept on coming when I squeezed! I've always had a little bit that came out but this was mammoth in comparison! My boyfriend thought it was gross - especially when I said that I was going to squeeze it onto him in his sleep! hahaha...

Do you think that I will need to start wearing nipple pads at this stage and is this something that the rest of you have experienced?

Many thanks for your advice!!

Love 'leaky boobs' Brooke! :0)

x x x
Your breasts start producing colostrum at 16 weeks, but it is unlikely to spontaneously leak without you squeezing them. So you should be safe on the nipple pad front. However, you might find that they leak a bit when you have sex - it's all those 'feelgood, love' hormones.
Oh ok, that makes sense as my boyfriend said that's when he's noticed it before...when we've been 'at it' so to speak! :0)

Must admit mine started leaking at about 20 weeks.

I have had to start wearing nipple pads cause they leak loads, without me touching them lol.

Just had a quick feel to see whether they are just spontaneously leaking and my right one felt a little sticky kind of thing where a small amount has obviously come out and started drying. Perhaps I'll buy some breast pads and keep a couple in my bag just to be on the safe side!

Thanks girls!

x x
I had the same from 20 weeks but only when squeezing. I didn't need pads till bout 28 weeks!
I had a squeeze the other day and mine is there, it was there early last time too though but never had to wear pads until after birth.

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