Nightmare 24 hours...


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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So yesterday afternoon I had what felt like a big pop and went to toilet and had bright red blood in my underwear.. sat on the toilet and had more fresh blood come out with 2-3 10p sized clots.

Went to A&E to spend 6 hours there and had bloods and a urine taken before I was eventually moved around to EPAU. I found out whilst Im there that I should have been moved around there as soon as I had been triaged in A&E and then my blood results werent back so they call me in the morning.

Morning comes.. no call.. I rung them... they checked.. the most important blood to look at HCG clotted so couldnt be tested and could I come back in again this morning to EPAU to have it done again. 40 minute drive there.. had bloods done and told by sent off as urgent. Should take up to 4 hours to come back and they will phone me and I may get scanned later today if HCG comes back above 1500. 40 min drive back home.

4 hours comes.. no phonecall.. I ring.. my HCG level isnt fully back yet just say its 1000+ so needs to go in another machine for more indepth testing to know the exact number. That went in at 12:30 and can take another hour or two.

Im not holding out much hope for a scan today now.. I feel mentally and physically drained and fed up of being sat in limbo! I cant even be bothered to call back now.
I can't really offer anything as I've never experienced this. But I just wanted to wish you lots of luck. If your Hcg is over 1000 that would be a good sign, but as far as I'm aware the bloods aren't all that relevant unless they take two seperate lots 2-3 days apart. This will show them if hcg is rising or falling. Hopefully you won't have to wait for the second test and they'll have you in for a scan first thing in the morning.

Keep us post, will be thinking about you xx
So yesterday afternoon I had what felt like a big pop and went to toilet and had bright red blood in my underwear.. sat on the toilet and had more fresh blood come out with 2-3 10p sized clots.

Went to A&E to spend 6 hours there and had bloods and a urine taken before I was eventually moved around to EPAU. I found out whilst Im there that I should have been moved around there as soon as I had been triaged in A&E and then my blood results werent back so they call me in the morning.

Morning comes.. no call.. I rung them... they checked.. the most important blood to look at HCG clotted so couldnt be tested and could I come back in again this morning to EPAU to have it done again. 40 minute drive there.. had bloods done and told by sent off as urgent. Should take up to 4 hours to come back and they will phone me and I may get scanned later today if HCG comes back above 1500. 40 min drive back home.

4 hours comes.. no phonecall.. I ring.. my HCG level isnt fully back yet just say its 1000+ so needs to go in another machine for more indepth testing to know the exact number. That went in at 12:30 and can take another hour or two.

Im not holding out much hope for a scan today now.. I feel mentally and physically drained and fed up of being sat in limbo! I cant even be bothered to call back now.

Sorry to hear this. Can't believe how badly this has been managed. Let us know. Good luck!
You poor thing. Sorry I can't offer any advice but I just wanted to wish you luck. Hope everything's ok for you x
Im still no further along and waiting still for a call back. Ive rung numerous times today. Ive kinda given up now its terrible.
I bled badly (sudden clothes soaking gush) when I was 6 weeks 3 days. The hospital was rubbish about me seeing epu quickly. Referred for day after.

That night I passed a massive round clot that I thought was the sack. Expected a confirmed miscarriage the next day. Was devestated.

Scan shocked me showing baby was fine measuring 1 day behind lmp! I was in total disbelef.

I continued to spot for a week after bleed. It then slowed and stopped. Had nothing since then.

I'm now 10 weeks 5 days. Still very paranoid and got an early private scan this weekend to reassure me the baby is OK.

Just wanted to give you hope that red blood and clots aren't always the worst.

Good luck. I hope you get a happy ending from this.
My levels at 5 weeks are 6640 hcg. Scan booked for next Tues morning as thats earliest they could do.
My levels at 5 weeks are 6640 hcg. Scan booked for next Tues morning as thats earliest they could do.
I have no idea about hcg levels. Is that a good number? Are they going to test again to check to see if it's rising?
My levels at 5 weeks are 6640 hcg. Scan booked for next Tues morning as thats earliest they could do.

Most places don't scan until 6 weeks as that's when you should start seeing the heart fluttering away. Anytime before that is just the sac and fetal pole or thickened uterine lining seen which won't be as reassuring or give a conclusive viability result. I was lucky to see my squidge's at 6 weeks 2 days (when spotting began) and again at 6 weeks 4 days (after the gush) despite it being in distressing circumstances.
Hi everyone my head is all over the place and I have done the one thing i tell people not to do which is 'Google!'. I have found some interesting things but wondered if anyone else has had any or knows anyone who has experienced what I am going through. Sorry it's a long one and possibly tmi at times but worrying possibly over nothing - hopefully. I have been going through ivf, I had 2 good quality blastocysts transferred. I had implantation bleeding last sat29th/sun30th. I tested on Thursday 3rd in the morning and had a positive test using clear blue saying 1-2 weeks. I called the hospital and have a scan booked for 2 weeks time. They say I am 4 weeks now and will be 5 weeks on Monday. On Thursday I had a bit more brown discharge but not much, only when wiping. On Friday I had brown discharge again only when wiping then it turned pink later in the day but still not much then later afternoon it seemed to go red and pink. At 230 I put a pad on just as a precaution by 8pm I had what felt like cramping in my abdomen and lower back ache. Around 815pm I passed a large clot/tissue only the size of my thumb (width and length) if that. Once I had passed it, pain started to ease and since then I have only passed 2 or 3 smaller/tiny clots/blood vessels. I am resting this weekend and doing minimal things. I have only occassional dull aches in my abdomen and lower back but feel nausea and body temp still seems high which is what I have had for about a week anyway. I have changed my pad 4 times since friday but they haven't been full each time. Bleeding isnt heavy and is becoming less and less. I have read sometimes this can be common and people have still had a normal pregancy has anyone experienced this?? I have had strange cramps in my leg and bum like something is putting presure on a nerve. I have still got headaches, elevated temp, nausea and last night i was almost sick. I did a re test this morning and it said bfn but i don't feel different to this time last week if that makes sense. This thread seemed to be similar to my situation. I'm thinking I should get another test and re test again in a couple days??
Thank you.
My little blip at 5+4 weeks. Heart beat not yet seen but didnt expect to. Back 2 weeks today for a scan at ,7+4 to check for HB.

Little bean is looking good. I hope that's helped you relax while you wait for your next scan

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