Night Waking, Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
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Ava starting sleeping through at about 8 weeks but in the past month or so she's been waking at about 3am for a bottle.
The first few nights was because of teething but she's now gotten used to it.
Its so draining. This week Iv been trying not to lift her but she just crys then OH starts moaning about it.
Iv tried just giving her water but she drains about 6 oz of that then crys for milk anyway.
I want to move her into ellies room soon. Does anyone have any idea how I can break the habit?
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hate to say it but it sounds normal to me. Fi is nearly 8 months and she still does this xxx Sometimes they are just hungry I guess. You could try getting more milk into her before bedtime by cluster feeding in the evening or something? xxxxxx
When Theo has tonsilitus he was waking up in the night, but after he he over it he was still waking up. however it was at exactly the same times that he had been doing previously, so i put it down to habbit, some people might not agree but we checked him and then just left him to moan (which he did for about 10mins) but he went off to sleep again. we had to do this for about 2nights but itd defo worked.
when Theo was really little i used to just sit by his bed and gently rock him and stroke his hair untill he went to sleep. (rather then giving him a bottle).
i hope you fine something that works for you soon, speaking from someone who Luuuurves their sleep. its horrible being woken up in the night :hug:

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