Waking in the night

Last night was a nightmare...
I tried adding the supper, and she woke lots. She woke at 10:50pm, 1:30am, 3:45am, 5:30am 6:45am
tried setteling her without milk, she wasn;t having any of it...
Sam has always been a great sleeper but he was exactly the same when his molars came through. I wasn't sure it was teething because he didn't seem to be bothered by them during the day, and he wasn't screaming in pain at night... but 4 of them appeared at once and he went back to sleeping all night again. If she's been a good sleeper and not wanted fed at night before it's unlikely that she's hungry now (but I did give Sam milk in the night then just to make things easier for me :lol:)

I hope it gets better for you soon :hug:
I have thought it might be the back teeth, she is constantly biting, not viciously but wanting that comfort. I hope it is just the teething, or maybe a growth spurt and she starts settelling again when it's over.
Thanks :)
It does sound like it might be that then. All 4 of Sam's did all come through quite quickly from when it all started so hopefully Rosie will be the same x
Lets hope so, can't take much more of this, with everything else going on, now her with her sleeping! GRRR lol
Lets hope for a better night tonight, dont think i can face much more of waking in the nights.
We're still waiting on 3 and each time we get another we have a week of hell before hand :wall:
still waking, but kind of to be expected at the moment as it's been somewhat mad... but here is to a more relaxed week i hope.. Fingers crossed

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