Night waking at 11 months!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Well, as the title suggests, we are suffering somewhat from a serious bout of night waking for the past 2 or 3 weeks!!

Every night, at about 11.30 - midnight, she wakes... screaming, balling the house down! We go to her, give her cuddles but nothing settles her apart from taking her into bed with us, or... at the very worst, a bottle sometimes works!!

it is a nightmare, the waking can last anything from an hour to 4 hours, meaning all of us are missing out on some seriously needed sleep?

I was thinkin it was perhaps separation anxiety? or hunger.... has anyone else experienced this? is it just a phase?

Hoping some of you lovely ladies can restore my faith!!

A very tired, Angela and Livvy xx
Maybe she is hungry? If she takes a bottle and then calms down,it's probably what it is.
We went through the same thing for the last couple of weeks,she screams the house down and nothing helps apart from the bottle.
We're going through this at the mo too, sounds exactly the same at almost the same time of night and looking at your ticker she's not much younger than Jess. Could she be teething?
Jess has been like this for a couple of weeks and now has not one but 2 teeth trying to break through. Bless Her!
Has she only been seperated a short time? If so, it could be a bit of anxiety thats turning into a routine? More than likely tho its a phase, they go through so many phases its unbelievable. my almost 2 year old is going througha bad sleeping phase at the moment but from the others i know that its just a phase and it will get better.

My daughter is the same when shes teething, i try everything teething gel, dummy, cuddles but i then give her a bottle, i dont mind giving it to her in the night anymore as i know it calms her down enough so that she gos back to sleep. Try and have a look at her gums if shes teething they might be abit red and sore, kylas like it for about a week and then shes back to normal til the next tooth lol. If kylas so worked up i sometimes give her abit of calpol especially if shes been out of sorts through the day.

Does she have any teeth yet?
yeh, shes got two top and two bottom, thats it so far!

I will perservere with the bottles, rocking back to sleep etc..sometimes we even have to put her in buggy and push around living room to calm her! Feel like a total fruitcake at 2 am walking a buggy around! lol!!

have you tried giving water when she wakes in the night. I know this sounds silly but try and put her to bed about 15 mins earlier than normal. I was told to do this as when kyla was younger she use to wake at about 4 everynight, i tried putting her to bed late thinking that the later id put her to bed the longer shed sleep in the night, but it didnt work she just got over tried and slept less so i stopped that. I put her to bed about 15 - 20mins than i would normally and she didnt wake at 4 she woke up about 6, dont know why think it somewho breaks their sleeping cycle. Give it a try tonight, wont harm if it doesnt work.
Thank you cez.

Last night we put her to bed at 7.30 instead of 8.. and slept well until midnight when she woke for a bottle, she took the bottle then straight back down with no fuss :)

But, I do want to stop the whole milk business as I think it affects her appetite in the daytime. So I will try the water thing!!

thank you for your advice xxxx :hug:
have you tried giving water when she wakes in the night. I know this sounds silly but try and put her to bed about 15 mins earlier than normal. I was told to do this as when kyla was younger she use to wake at about 4 everynight, i tried putting her to bed late thinking that the later id put her to bed the longer shed sleep in the night, but it didnt work she just got over tried and slept less so i stopped that. I put her to bed about 15 - 20mins than i would normally and she didnt wake at 4 she woke up about 6, dont know why think it somewho breaks their sleeping cycle. Give it a try tonight, wont harm if it doesnt work.
Thank you cez.

Last night we put her to bed at 7.30 instead of 8.. and slept well until midnight when she woke for a bottle, she took the bottle then straight back down with no fuss :)

But, I do want to stop the whole milk business as I think it affects her appetite in the daytime. So I will try the water thing!!

thank you for your advice xxxx :hug:

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