Night times - lasting longer tips


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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My LO is breastfeeding on demand and originally would go about 2/3 hours at night. Last week (she is 5 weeks old) she has been more fussy and awake in evenings, and at night extending it to 4 hours, but last night reverted back to every 2!!!

I'm interested to know how ladies who are breastfeeding are getting on. Was there an age when they started to go longer, or do you have any tips for making them go longer at night?

I started using a sleeping bag at the time she started lasting longer but she had it on last night too??

I forgot a few drops of infacol yesterday during the day?
That's exactly what happened to mr after Tyler's jabs. Im just letting him settle back into his own routine as i'm not a fan of some of these 'go longer' methods

G did the same at bout 4 weeks but then her times are lengthening again - the other night i got 6 hours!

i did read that at that stage their metabolism can increase as the go through the sensations change where they suddenly become aware of the world around them. Something apparently happens to their glucose metabolsim.

Stalking this thread as after 6 months Id love Kynon to sleep or go longer than 2 hours day or night!

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For 2 weeks.Joe was feeding between 11 and.12 and again at 5, I knew it wouldnt last and.the last 2 nights he has only gone 2hours max between feeds. It's killing me!!
Ariel's pretty good and often lasts around 5 or 6 hours for tge first half and then 2 or 3 hours for the second when we get up. But he does this himself and having said all this he can still be pretty changeable having nights where it can be as much as every hour particulary for the second half. Their bodies and brains are going through so much I figure any changes are just what's necessary for that point.
Up til around 12 weeks F used to go between 5 & 8hrs at night but then has regressed big time and at worst the other night was waking every 2hrs at 14wks! Quite annoying when I know she can Di it. Think its coz in the day she's distracted by life and can go 5 hrs between feeds if we're out so is cranking up her calorie intake at night so need to try and feed more regularly, might make a difference or maybe I should forget she ever slept and just roll with it! :eek:s
Harry has always gone a long time at night and has started sleeping thru the night most nights now (if he doesnt then he wakes up at 5 for a feed so not too bad) but he feeds like a fiend during the evening. I have been givinghim a bottle at 6 now coz I just didnt have the milk to keep up with him!!
She could possibly be going through a growth spurt, so will want to feed more often.
Thanks for all the replies. She reverted back to 4 hours last night ( it makes me feel so much more refreshed). She seems to cluster feed in daytimes, no routine, all over the place even every hour a couple of times. Am happy to do that if she goes longer at night. I also notice that she stays awake in evenings more now too this has coincided with the longer nights. She does this herself, how you're meant to keep a baby awake as some 'guru's' suggest I'll never know.

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